Icon exhibition CARTOONIST CORKY TRINIDAD has probably managed to enchant and infuriate more Star-Bulletin readers than anyone else in the newspaper's history. And they're often the same people! Politicians skewered on the tip of his razor-sharp pen are the first in line to acquire the original drawings.
Corkys genius
Star-BulletinAnd, sorry, we just can't call him "Mr. Trinidad" in a story. He's Corky. We don't normally promote fellow staffers like this, but then, most of our staffers aren't cartooning geniuses.
On view: Ramsay Museum, 1128 Smith St. CORKY'S ICONS
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday
Reception: 5:30 p.m. tomorrow
Call: 537-2787
"Corky's ICONS," an exhibition of Corky's caricatures of Honolulu's notable faces and a selection of editorial cartoons, goes on display tomorrow at the Ramsay Museum.If you're used to seeing Corky's lines in the rough reproduction of newspaper pages, the delicacy of his technique is eye-opening. The show, his third at the museum and gallery, will run through the summer.
Corky has been with the Honolulu Star-Bulletin more than 30 years. He is syndicated worldwide, having appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Miami Herald, Newsday, Time, Newsweek, Punch, Paris Herald-Tribune, Politiken, Buenos Aires Herald and other publications.Corky also created the syndicated strips "Zeus!" and "Nguyen Charlie."
Museum president Ramsay, no slouch herself when it comes to putting ink on paper, said: "For more than 30 years, Corky has conceived and executed uniquely relevant cartoons and commentary daily in the newspaper."Some of these composite drawings are here as a tribute to his employer, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. In them you can see the markings that are part of the time constraints of commercialism. But with this show of genius, 'Corky's ICONS' transcend the blue-line, cut-and-paste, Wite-Out world of commercial art and enter the realm of fine art. He is the Hirschfeld of Hawaii."
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