LIHUE >> The Kauai County Council yesterday gave tentative approval to an 18 percent budget increase for fiscal year 2002. Kauai Council approves
increased budgetBy Anthony Sommer
Star-BulletinMeeting as the Committee of the Whole, the Council adopted the budget unanimously. Members reserved comments until their formal vote on May 31.
In policy terms the budget is a far cry from what Mayor Maryanne Kusaka requested. Her office is being circumspect on the possibility of a veto.
In terms of the bottom line, the Council's budget, when $1.2 million in operating funds parked in the construction budget are added in, totals $82.7 million, down only slightly from Kusaka's request for $82.9 million.
The current year's operating budget is $70 million.
The nonmonetary language in the budget, however, was a clear defiance of the mayor.
The Council scrapped a three-year experiment with program budgeting that gave the mayor and her department heads broad latitude in moving dollars within their agencies. Instead, the county will return to a line-item budget in which the administration will be required to spend as the Council directs.
The Council also passed a property tax decrease of 10 cents per $1,000 of assessed valuation for all classes of property and gave another 10 cent reduction to residential property. The mayor recommended against lowering taxes.
Kauai County