Star bright Lisa Matsumoto, who wrote the beloved "Once Upon One Time" trilogy and "The Princess and the Iso Peanut," returns with more music Sunday at Leeward Community College, but this time around she offers a more intimate approach than the full theatrical productions.
Singers reprise favorite tunes
By Charlene Anne Rico
from Lisa Matsumoto's
'Time' trilogy and new
'Dragonfly' play
Star-BulletinThe concert, called "Once Upon a Star," is a benefit for Ohi'a Productions and will feature excerpts from Matsumoto and songwriter Roslyn's previous shows. It will also include three new songs from the upcoming "On Dragonfly Wings," scheduled to premiere in July.
The cast of 30, ranging in ages from 12 to 38, will bring back favorite costumed characters from Matsumoto and Roslyn shows from the past 10 years.
Zan De Peralta, 31, relives her role as "Titanui" the mean stepsister from "Once Upon One Noddah Time" from the "Once Upon One Time" trilogy. De Peralta has performed in four of Matsumoto's plays and will continue with a fifth in "On Dragonfly Wings" this summer."(The concert) is the best of the best," De Peralta said. "It shows how outstanding local talent is. Not just performance-wise, but with everything, the production, the writing and the sets. There are local people who can do just as well as things that are being produced on the mainland."
Joseph Morales, a senior from Leilehua High School, will be singing a duet with Janel Parrish, who will play Wendy in "On Dragonfly Wings."
"We hope to get people interested (in the shows)," he said. "We want them to come back."
De Peralta added that the crowd that enjoys a Matsumoto and Roslyn show "is not the typical theater crowd. Lisa pulled in a lot of local people because of her writing. She covers a lot of different cultures and really celebrates the differences and the diversity. There really is something for everyone."
A portion of the proceeds from the concert will go toward the production of "On Dragonfly Wings." This will be Ohi'a's first independent production. In the past, Matsumoto's plays were held at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Diamond Head Theatre."This is a huge step for Ohi'a," said Matsumoto, who co-founded the nonprofit company with her cousin Michael Furuya, to provide "creative, educational and inspiring theatrical experiences for Hawaii's children and families."
"On Dragonfly Wings" is based on the book "Wailana the Waterbug." The story written by Greg Barrett and Jane Hopkins, and adapted by Lisa Matsumoto for stage, was inspired by Alana Dung, the 3-year-old whose battle with leukemia touched the hearts of people statewide. Dung passed away in 1997.
In the musical, a cheerful waterbug named Wendy entertains the residents of Crystal Pond with her festive parades and performances, but she undergoes transformation that proves to be both a challenge and adventure.
Matsumoto said, "We, sort of like Wendy, are venturing out and hopefully, like Wendy, we'll succeed."
The second part of the proceeds will be given to benefit the traveling shows that Matsumoto and Co. take to pre-schools and elementary schools throughout Hawaii. Matsumoto has been offering the Educational Road Shows since 1993.
She said her inspiration to write comes not only from books, poetry and music, but from people.
"People inspire me. Actors inspire me in how I'll develop a character. There are so many who have given so generously to make this happen. It really is a collaborative effort."
Matsumoto also gives credit to Roslyn and Furuya, saying, "The three of us really feed off of each other. I write the scripts, Roslyn writes the songs and Michael provides a lot of the visuals."
What: "Once Upon a Star" On stage
Where: Leeward Community College Theatre
When: 5:30 p.m. Sunday
Tickets: $75, $100 and $125
Call: 261-9722 or log onto
Notes: Wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served "under the stars," followed by a silent auction showcasing Michael Furuya's art work
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