READING about George W. Bush's new energy plan, which includes numerous references to things nuclear, is one thing. But hearing the president of the United States call it "newk-u-ler" every time he mentions the word is just a bit disconcerting. It's one thing to hear Jay Leno say "newk-u-ler," but for the president, who controls the world's greatest supply of nuclear weapons, not to know how to pronounce the word is quite another. His professors at Yale must be shaking their heads, much in the manner of the Ball State profs who somehow got Dan Quayle graduated, despite his spelling gaffes. And don't forget -- Quayle was hand-picked to be the vice presidential candidate for W's father when he ran for the Oval Office ... Tell W its nuclear,
not newk-u-lerSPEAKING of W, the hotel of that initial has long had huge Friday crowds, complete with lines of people willing to cough up a $10 cover charge to hobnob with the Beautiful People, younger edition. Tomorrow, "W Saturday" will be launched with a VIP gathering in which guests are invited to "Escape with Malama," the Aveda Lifestyle Salon Spa participating in the first of a series of Saturday escapes. They'll be offering massage, foot therapy, facials and Chakra drink specials with complimentary pupus from 7 to 9 p.m. The evening itself will extend to 2 a.m. And moms shouldn't be concerned that there's a bed in the middle of the bar. Thus far, it's only been used for casual lounging ...
Hawaiian Eclectic Co.
RELATIVELY new Hawaii promoter Tim Bostock brought a season of shows to the islands last year, ranging from Cirque Eloize (Canada), "Slava's Snowshow" (Russia), "Cool Heat Urban Beat" (USA), dance troupes from both Australia and New Zealand and the hilariously comic "The Exhibitionists" from Northern Ireland. The latter show was presented at the new downtown venue "The Arts at Mark's Garage," and Bostock is picking up where he left off with his next season. The local mask and puppet stilt theater company called the Monkey and the Waterfall will be presented at Mark's in August. In September he'll present two companies from New Zealand at the Waikiki Shell and a new Maori play on four islands. He's also presenting "The Flying Fruit Fly Circus" from Australia at the Hawaii Theatre in October, topped by the redoubtable mime Marcel Marceau in November at the Blaisdell Concert Hall, plus the Big Isle and Maui. And great news -- Slava is returning with his "Snowshow" to the Hawaii Theatre in December. I'm still chuckling over his earlier show ...
Chicks rule
THAT was the headline over a Star-Bulletin story in August '99 about the 1999-2000 local theater seasons. Little did the writer know. Currently we have Army Community Theatre presenting "Evita." Diamond Head Theatre opens "Victor/ Victoria" tonight, following the all-female "Steel Magnolias." Manoa Valley Theatre, which just closed "Side Show" about women Siamese twins, is now playing "Grace and Glorie," another two-woman show. TAG in the Yellow Brick Studio just closed "Talking with ...," featuring monologues by six women. Any plays featuring men these days? ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com