Kokua Line
Question: Can you please find out and post the fine for hitting golf balls in a public park? The recent incident where an Iolani School softball player was injured is prompting my request. Also, there's someone who hits golf balls in the community park in Kuliouou Valley. A couple of months ago, while jogging, I was almost beaned, and last month I found two golf balls on the field. Maybe you can suggest that the neighbors around the park should call police when they see him. No golfing
at the beach and
other city sanctionsAnswer: When it comes to balls, size (and type) really does matter! For example, you're not supposed to whack a golf ball or, if you're so inclined for some reason, toss a bowling ball, around a public park.
Chapter 10 of the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu, which deals with the use of public parks, playgrounds and beaches, says, "Except in park areas specifically designated for such purposes, it is unlawful for any person to ... throw, cast, roll or strike any bowling ball or golf ball."
That's among a host of other prohibitions.
The maximum penalty for the misdemeanor offense is a fine of $500 and/or 30 days in jail. Call police if you see any violation.
As an aside, we discovered it also "is unlawful for any person, other than authorized personnel of the department of parks and recreation, or a person then golfing on the course, or such person's caddy, to gather or pick up golf balls within the boundaries of a public golf course."
Q: For months, there have been two large signs that say "food distribution center" along Ala Moana, just Koko Head of the Gold Bond building. If these signs are truly necessary, shouldn't they be properly placed, rather than look like temporary construction signage? Just regarding their temporary look, it looks like there has been some kind of disaster and there's a Red Cross emergency food center. They're a blight on Ala Moana, which is a gateway boulevard to Waikiki and other parts of Honolulu.
A: The signs are temporary and meant to redirect people going to a facility where produce is packaged for sale at retail outlets. However, it may be a while longer before they are removed.
Each sign also has an arrow and the words "enter from Ohe Street," noted Jan Yokota, executive director of the Hawaii Community Development Authority, which is overseeing development in Kakaako.
That's because construction on the second phase of the HCDA's Ward Avenue extension project has closed off the usual entrance to the food distribution center, which occupies about nine acres makai of the Gold Bond building on a long-term lease with the state.
The facility is leased by various private companies, Yokota said. Current work is expected to finish in the next year.
To all of those who supported us during the strike. -- John Honjo, for Aiea Elementary teachers
Got a question or complaint?
Call 529-4773, fax 529-4750, or write to Kokua Line,
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., No. 7-210,
Honolulu 96813. As many as possible will be answered.
Email to kokualine@starbulletin.com