Brown Bags to Stardom 2001 Finals first place winner
from Punahou, Sterling and the Sexy Dancing Ladies
(from left) Julia Matsunaga, Marina Lieban, Lauren
Tanaka, Sterling Sulieman, Lia Smith, Briana
Ackerman and Marisa Tamaru.
The winners of this year's Brown Bags to Stardom finals held last Saturday at the Waikiki Shell have been announced. First place went to Punahou's Sterling and the Sexy Dancing Ladies for a hot dance routine set to "Pop Ya Collar." Second place to Aiea High's punk/ska band Ho In Da Wall and third place went to the Mililani High reggae group All Natural. Brownbag winners
Jamarama benefit set
Children ranging from a toddlin' four to a mature 17 will be performing at the Hawaii Theatre 7:30 p.m. tomorrow as a benefit performance for Jamarama.The Jamarama Jammers will present "Let's Go to the Movies," with special guest and ukulele player extraordinaire Jake Shimabukuro.
Tickets are $5, $10 and $20.
The nonprofit Jamarama organization led by founder/director Matthew Pedersen is an arts and education program dedicated to teaching music and dance, along with principles of respect, commitment, discipline, confidence and consideration.For tickets, call 528-0506. For more information about Jamarama, call 561-1412, or go online at www.jamarama.org.
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