The Honolulu Star-Bulletin will launch its new Sunday edition this weekend, giving readers expanded coverage on local, national and international issues. New Sunday edition
Star-Bulletin staff
to debut this weekend
The new Sunday morning edition -- the Star-Bulletin's first since 1962 -- will include five new sections and expanded coverage in the business, sports and features sections.
"This will be our flagship Star-Bulletin edition, filled with the kind of news, commentary, entertainment and leisure coverage people expect," said John Flanagan, Star-Bulletin publisher and editor in chief.
The new Sunday edition will include:
>> A redesigned feature section, called Mauka Makai, which will focus on the local art, music, culture and literary scenes.
>> An expanded business section that will include a weekly personal finance supplement "Wall Street Journal Sunday" and The Motley Fool, a nationally syndicated feature which takes a humorous look at the world of investing.
>> Additional sports coverage, including a special page for golf enthusiasts and a page for recreational sports.
>> New real estate, television, travel and comics sections.
>> The return of the popular Parade magazine supplement.
>> A new metro column by reporter Rob Perez, which will provide insight on local issues.
The new Sunday edition will be the Star-Bulletin's first in more than 38 years.
In October 1959, the newspaper published its first Sunday edition but in June 1962, the newspaper and the rival Honolulu Advertiser began producing a combined Sunday edition after the two papers entered into a joint operating agreement. The joint Sunday paper ceased in 1993.
The launch of the Sunday edition comes two weeks after Victoria, British Columbia-based Black Press Ltd. took over the operation of the 119-year-old daily. Despite early circulation difficulties, the Star-Bulletin has increased its daily paid circulation from 57,000 to more than 68,000, according to Don Kendall, president Oahu Publications, a subsidiary of Black Press.
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