Guests at this year's "TIM Night" dinner, the annual event that promotes and raises funds for the School of Travel Industry Management at the University of Hawaii, will be treated to what the organizers are calling "a royal Asian experience." UH travel school
event to feature
Asian themeBy Russ Lynch
Star-BulletinThe event, usually attended by key executives and professionals in Hawaii's travel and hospitality industries, is the big chance for students who have been studying special events management to show off what they've learned.
Their two-semester course uses TIM Night as a hands-on learning experience, using skills in management, knowledge from their academic courses and new learning in such fields as costume design, decor, choreography and other aspects of the entertainment.
Their work also includes preparing and serving the food and beverages.
About 300 guests at $80 per person are expected to attend this year's dinner at 5:30 p.m. March 29, said TIM marketing director Joy Tomita. It will take place in the Maile Ballroom at the Kahala Mandarin Oriental Hotel.
TIM Night is run as a nonprofit enterprise and the money guests pay is used to cover the costs of the evening.
Some 200 volunteers, including students from the community colleges and the public high schools, will do the work.
Tomita said guests come from all levels of the local tourist industry from throughout the state and from the mainland.
Called "TIMTASIA: The Emperor's Palace," the 2001 event will feature a Chinese marketplace peopled by vendors, fortune-tellers and caligraphers. For information or to buy tickets, call the TIM Night office at 956-5302.
School of Travel Industry Management