THERE should be a song in the heart of Esprit patrons on Valentine's Day. It'll mark the first time the Krush and the group Honolulu have Holiday made
for Krushworked the same club back to back, and in addition, singer Dennis James Lee will perform at the Sheraton Waikiki venue. He's just come out with a CD featuring dancer Allyn Scott on the cover, and she'll be featured in several of his songs. Lee does more than sing -- he's also producing and developing a movie called "Who Iced Joe?" featuring William H. Macy ("Fargo") and Rachel Leigh Cooke ("She's All That"). You can celebrate Valentine's night by eating all you want from a buffet ($25) from 5:30 to 8 p.m., or see a second show minus the buffet for $10 from 8 to midnight ...
FOUR of Hawaii's top business leaders are being honored by both the House and Senate of the state Legislature today. Then on Feb. 15, they'll be inducted into the Hawaii Business Hall of Fame at a dinner at the Sheraton Waikiki. The four inductees into the Hall of Fame, sponsored by Junior Achievement, are Edward Fukuda (of Kandi's Drive Inn, Hilo), Ed Hogan (Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays), Francis Oda (Group 70) and the late Chinn Ho, founder of Capital Investment ...
Boys in the band
BLUES rocker Jonny Lang, who performed at Aloha Stadium in '98 while crowds were taking their seats for the upcoming Rolling Stones show, is performing tomorrow night at Kakaako Waterfront Park. Anticipating the Stones was so intense that few paid a lot of attention to the teen-ager who opened the show, but he's gone on to great things. Lang, now 20, has been featured on MTV and at the White House ... Also performing tomorrow will be singer/comic Gregg Hammer with his group, Da Cuz'in'z. They'll be at All-Star Hawaii (formerly the All-Star Cafe) tomorrow night, and again Feb. 14 and Feb. 21, featuring music from the '60s to the present ... And who would have thought of a smokeless cigar shop? The Ka'au Krater Boys are getting back together to perform tonight beginning at 8:30 p.m. at Havana Cabana on Nuuanu. Owner Brian Uy has even declared all but the back room a no-smoking area to accommodate Ernie Cruz ...ALOHA Friday is just that at the Outrigger Reef where G.M. Cliff Olson stages a weekly ho'olaule'a for hotel guests, visitors and locals who happen by. He has classes in lei making and ukulele carving and local handcrafters are there to sell their creations. Kapuna are there to talk story with visitors and kumu hula Blaine Kia and his halau perform and give hula demonstrations. The keiki hula dancers get special applause each Friday. Says Olson, "The feedback from guests has been phenomenal. We definitely want to continue to share the beauty of the islands with our guests." ...
Steer in the right direction
NOT long ago a reference here to the "oldest living West Point grad" neglected to say "in Texas." This prompted Bernice Lee to write about Col. William F. Steer of Kailua, who just celebrated his 100th birthday last month. Col. Steer had intended to go to the West Point reunion last June, but suffered a mishap in March and had to cancel. Col. Steer was the first Provost Marshal when Hawaii was under martial law and married well known entertainer Tootsie Notley, who died a couple of years ago. Writer Lee was a 19-year-old clerk employee of the Army under Col. Steer, which is one reason she's so knowledgeable on the subject ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com