A 19-year-old University of Hawaii student turned himself in and was arrested for assault yesterday for hitting a golf ball that struck a 17-year-old softball player in the mouth Friday night, police said. UH student arrested
for golf ball assaultThe 19-year-old turned himself in
By Rosemarie Bernardo
Star-BulletinThe student went to the main police station yesterday for questioning and was arrested at 4:15 p.m. and then released pending further investigation.
Starting Iolani Schools center fielder Amy Taniguchi was standing in the dugout at Rainbow Wahine Stadium during an Iolani vs. Baldwin state semi-final softball game when a golf ball struck her on the mouth at about 7:30 p.m. One tooth was knocked out and her gumline was injured.
"Through the whole traumatic situation Amy never cried, even after getting hit and having to sit through the last game of her high school career," her coach Chris Shimabukuro said.
Police said several golf balls were hit onto the field from Johnson Hall B Dormitory on 2555 Dole St. Between 800 and 1,000 people attended Friday's game.
Evidence was recovered in the area related to the incident, police said. Police believe only one suspect was involved.
Flyers were posted on campus asking for information about the incident, and it was the subject of a CrimeStoppers bulletin yesterday.