Monday, February 5, 2001
Use "Across" software to solve
the puzzle on your computer.
Instructions and the .puz file here.
1. UH Football coach
6. Bocha
10. Nylon run
14. Sushi eel
15. New French currency
16. Olympian Tommy
17. Jules Verne Captain's
18. Wood fastener
19. Seinfeld word
20. Wind direction
21. Hawaiian grandma
23. Honohono, e.g.
25. Note
26. Hawaiian hardwood
27. Unshaven; unkempt
30. Navigator Nainoa
34. Sayonara
35. Telephones
36. To bite: Hawaiian
37. Fly high
38. Famous masked man
39. Burn healing cactus
40. Vase
41. Rainy valley
42. Procrastinate
43. Former Constantinople
45. "Crocodile __"
46. Three game volleyball match
47. Plane or space prefix
48. Not on Hawaiian time
51. Actor Wilson
52. Write
55. Crazy
56. Baby weke
58. Vinegar dish
60. Winged
61. Medicinal plant
62. Chinky
63. Yes votes
64. Thin opening
65. Slaves
1. First name of 1-across
2. Singles
3. Inoa
4. Self
5. Wahine relatives
6. Box lunch
7. Bathe
8. Three: prefix
9. Galavant
10. HNL worker
11. Ark keeper
12. "The King __": 2 wds.
13. Prod
22. Musubi center
24. Edges
25. Secure a boat
26. Mitchell's Scarlett
27. Cheap; inexpensive
28. Fragrances
29. Not chiisai
30. Alps region
31. Mac or green
32. Rear end
33. Nosy
35. Round pastry
38. Floor cushions
39. Never; __ time: 2 wds.
41. HIJKL follower
42. Family name
44. Shields
45. Sandra __
47. Be in store for
48. Romp
49. Part at DHT
50. Lei flower
51. All; every: prefix
52. Waihee or Burns
53. Hautboy
54. Foot digits
57. Steve Case's company
59. The: German
Solution to last week's puzzle:
Answers next week