State Supreme Court denies officer's appeal
The Hawaii Supreme Court has affirmed a lower court's ruling denying a Hawaii County police officer's appeal of his misdemeanor assault conviction based on ineffective counsel.Officer Manuel Fragiao had claimed that his attorney had a conflict of interest because he had been hired by the county to defend him against criminal charges brought by the county.
The high court reversed an appellate court's ruling.
Fragiao was convicted in 1996 of third-degree assault for shooting pepper spray into the face of Tracy Otani during a 1994 arrest. Fragiao was sentenced to probation and 200 hours of community service. Judge Riki May Amano also imposed a 30-day jail sentence, but suspended it because of the circumstances surrounding Fragiao's actions.
Fragiao had testified that he made a legitimate traffic stop when he stopped Otani in traffic and shot pepper spray only when Otani resisted.
Testimony during the trial revealed the two disliked each other because Fragiao had had an affair with Otani's estranged wife. Otani filed a civil rights claim in U.S. District Court against the county. His claims were denied.
Medal recipients join Gallery of Heroes
Twelve Medal of Honor recipients, including Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye, will be inducted into the Gallery of Heroes at the U.S. Army Museum at Fort DeRussy at 3 p.m. tomorrow.Joining Inouye will be fellow 442nd Regimental Combat Team and 100th Battalion veterans Barney Hajiro, Mikio Hasemoto, Shizuya Hayashi, Yeiki Kobashigawa, Robert Kuroda, Kaoru Moto, Makato Nakae, Shinyei Nakamine, Allan Ohata and Yukio Okutsu. Also inducted will be Francis Wai, who won his medal fighting in the Pacific.
Retired HPD detective turns self in for theft
A retired Honolulu police detective turned himself in to state sheriff's yesterday on theft charges.James Kawakami is accused of stealing funds from the state's extradition fund, which is used to bring criminals back to Hawaii from the mainland.
Kawakami was released on his own recognizance. A change of plea hearing is set for Jan. 18.
State pays $295,000 to ex-swap meet operator
The state has agreed to pay Edward Medeiros, the former operator of the Aloha Stadium flea market, $295,000 to settle lawsuits stemming from his loss of the lucrative swap meet contract in September 1999.Medeiros, owner of Aloha Flea Market Inc., operated the swap meet for 20 years until September 1999, when his three-year contract was not renewed. Medeiros believes his contract was terminated because he supported Republican gubernatorial candidate Linda Lingle in 1998.
The Stadium Authority, however, said politics had nothing to do with the decision.
HMSA finds most members satisfied with services
An overwhelming number of Hawaii Medical Service Association members indicated they are satisfied with their health plan and doctors.For the third year, HMSA sent a satisfaction survey to about 122,000 members. More than 45 percent -- 55,256 -- responded.
Of those, 97 percent said they were treated with courtesy and respect by their doctor's office staff and that they are happy with their health plan.
Ninety-one percent rated their doctor 7 or above on a scale with 10 as the best.
Other results:
The survey, conducted by SMS Research and Marketing Inc. of Honolulu, went to members of HMSA's Preferred Provider Plan, 65C Plus or Health Plan Hawaii, an HMO affiliate.96 percent said their doctor spends enough time with them.
94 percent said they would recommend their doctor to others.
94 percent said most or all of their needs were met by the services they received.
Robert Nickel, HMSA senior vice president, said member satisfaction "is measured with respect to access to care, patient-physician communication and medical services."
He said the data are used to identify areas where the association and doctors "can do more in terms of delivering quality care and service to our members and the community."
The survey information is reported each year to the state insurance commissioner as required by the 1998 Hawaii Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, Nickel said.
Help for mothers fighting addiction
"Parenting in Recovery," for mothers fighting drug or alcohol addiction, is offered at St. Francis Medical Center's Women's Addiction Treatment Center of Hawaii. Separate eight-week sessions will run 10-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 16-March 6 and March 20-May 8.Women must have had problem substance use in the past and now be drug- and alcohol-free for at least two continuous months. They must also be involved in a program of self-help recovery and/or actively working with a therapist.
The program is supported by a grant from the Public Health Fund of the Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii.
For further information, call Cheryl Prince at 547-6514.
Some events of interest
8 a.m.-4 p.m., Tokai University: "Caring for Hawaii's Kids" conference.
9 a.m., Kamamalu Building: Board of Psychology meeting, 1010 Richards St., 7th-floor conference room. For information, call 586-2693.
6 p.m., Haleiwa Alii Beach Park: Public meeting regarding the environmental impact statement on sea turtles.
6 p.m., Straub Hospital, Doctor's Dining Room: General meeting for the Libertarian Party of Hawaii.
Police, Fire, Courts
By Star-Bulletin staffHonolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
Fuss over dishes leads to arrest of 70-year-old
A 70-year-old man was charged yesterday for allegedly threatening his girlfriend with a machete and hammer during an argument over dirty dishes in the sink.Joseph Pagharion is being held in lieu of $50,000 bail.
The woman, 40, told police she was also punched and slapped during the 10 p.m. Sunday argument at the couple's second-floor apartment on the 1600 block of Kapiolani Boulevard.
Pagharion could still be charged with abuse of a household member, police said.
Domestic violence suspect nabbed again
A 44-year-old man who fled from police after an alleged domestic violence incident was caught yesterday afternoon.The incident happened last Friday, when the suspect was arguing with his wife, police said. After his mother-in-law told them to stop arguing, the suspect grabbed his mother-in-law, shoved her against a wall and threw trash on her, according to police. The man then began throwing objects at his wife, cutting her on the head, they added.
Police officers arrested and handcuffed the suspect and put him in a patrol car. But he complained of being sick, and officers rolled down a window.
While officers were conducting their investigation, the suspect escaped on foot.
The man was apprehended yesterday after a tip.
He was arrested for escape, assault, abuse of a household member, theft and unauthorized control of a propelled vehicle.
Missing girl, 15, hunted on the Big Island
Big Island police are continuing a search for a missing 15-year-old girl.Tina Thill, was reported missing from her home in Glenwood, Puna on Nov. 9. She is described as 5-feet-4 and weighing about 117 pounds. She has brown hair and blue eyes.
Police are asking anyone with information to call Officer Peter Kualii of the Juvenile Aid Section at 808-961-2373.
Two suspects still loose in Maui jewelry theft
WAILEA, Maui -- Police are holding one suspect and looking for two more in connection with two separate jewelry thefts over the weekend, they said.Joseph P. Prockette, 31, who has no local address, was charged with first-degree theft after he tried on two Rolex watches and two rings valued at $31,4000 at the H.F. Wichman & Co. store at the Grand Wailea Resort Sunday evening and walked out of the store wearing them.
A hotel security officer, alerted by the store, caught Prockette.
He is being held in lieu of $5,000 bail.
In a separate case, police are looking for two men who robbed Tiffany & Co. at the Shops at Wailea Sunday evening.
Police said the men entered with their faces covered, one carrying what appeared to be a black handgun.
One of the men smashed a glass case and picked up jewelry.
The two then fled in a red Jeep Wrangler, police said.