After a contentious meeting over committee assignments yesterday, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Chairwoman Haunani Apoliona called on the trustees to focus their attention on the business at hand rather than their differences. Hee, Akana
challenge OHA
board committeesBy Suzanne Tswei
Star-BulletinIn the first meeting of the year, the board approved the makeup of five committees. But former OHA Chairman Clayton Hee challenged the assignments and asked to be removed from two committees.
Hee, who was not given any committee leadership role, said not all trustees were on an "even playing field" and used to their best abilities.
Without naming Hee, Apoliona said "one trustee chose to emote that kind of emotion, but I am hoping as we move forward that we'll be very focused on the issues."
Trustee Rowena Akana also challenged the makeup of committees and successfully called on the board to vote on each committee separately to allow for changes.
As a result, Akana gained a vice chairmanship on the Committee on Legislative and Government Affairs. She had been assigned to be a member, but John Waihee IV volunteered that they exchange their assignments.
"Just because the chairman gives you a slate, you don't have to accept it," said Akana, who called for changes to OHA's "dysfunctional committee structure" before the vote.
"What happened today was unprecedented in OHA. This was the first time (changing committee assignments) was done," Akana said.
Hee said he was not interested in serving on the committees on Land and Program Management, and the board went along with his wishes. Hee was approved to serve as a member on the Committee on Budget and Finance.
Afterward, Hee said that as a trustee he is able to attend all committee meetings and he plans to continue to be involved in various committee matters. Not being a member simply means he will not have voting power on those committees, he said.
Also afterward, Apoliona said she was pleased with the outcome of the committees.
"We now have the leadership of the committees ... I am very optimistic ... we can begin addressing the issues," she said.
Apoliona said the board will be able to "move forward" with the committees setting priorities and plans. Matters such as upcoming budgets, legislative concerns, a master plan and pending litigation require the board's immediate attention, she said.
"I am hoping tomorrow is a new day. We as trustees should work together ... and gain a more compassionate relationship," Apoliona said.
OHA committee
assignmentsBudget and Finance: Oswald Stender, chairman; Charles Ota, vice chairman; Rowena Akana, Donald Cataluna, Colette Machado, John Waihee IV, Clayton Hee
Policy and Planning: Waihee, chairman; Machado, vice chairwoman; Akana, Linda Dela Cruz, Stender
Program Management: Akana, chairman; Cataluna, vice chairman; Ota, Waihee, Dela Cruz
Legislative and Government Affairs: Machado, chairwoman; Akana, vice chairwoman; Dela Cruz, Ota and Waihee
Land: Cataluna, chairman; Stender, vice chairman; Dela Cruz, Akana and Machado
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