MOUNTAIN Apple Records' Jon de Mello and Leah Bernstein have finally released the much-awaited Hapa compilation CD this week to record stores all over the Hapa CD pure genius
islands. Simply (and aptly) entitled, "Collection," it contains the duo's most famous recordings to date. Hapa's Keli'i Kaneali'i and Barry Flanagan were thrilled with the packaging, with Flanagan calling deMello's graphic design "pure genius." It's often said to never judge a book by its cover, but the contents on this CD belie that adage ... Incidentally, if you'd like to hear Hapa do some of the numbers live, they'll be among artists performing at Shipley's in the Manoa Marketplace tonight. It's an aloha party for Shipley's, which is closing at the end of the year. Hapa will join the party following their regular Thursday gig at Chai's Island Bistro at Aloha Tower Marketplace earlier in the evening. Others agreeing to show up to sing their alohas at Shipley's tonight are Henry Kapono, BB Shawn, Jesse Rivera, Horizon, Ray Sowders and ki ho'alu artist Keoki. Owners Mary Ann and Kristin Shipley are stocking up on tissues tonight, because they fear they won't be able to hold back the tears ...
S.F. on his mind
FORMER K-POI Boy, radio newsman and longtime owner of Commercial Recording on Cooke Street, Donn Tyler is moving eastward. He left the day after Christmas for Santa Fe for a month of looking around and weighing his prospects. Then it's on to San Francisco for another look-see, one he guesstimates may last about 12 hours if the prices there are what he's heard. (And they are!) Then Tyler returns to Honolulu to mull the big decision. As long as he's into places with the initials "S.F.," may we suggest the South of France? ...REMEMBER the song about the teddy bear's picnic? Well at the Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, they held a "Teddy Bear Tea." Santa visited the Library, filled with kids 4 and over, and the kids feasted on a dazzling buffet of cookies and sweets. Two keiki pianists, Jasmine Nagano and Aimi Watanabe, performed, and will do so there again tonight through Saturday ... Patrick Chu worked for the Star-Bulletin until resigning a couple of years ago to join the national Bloomberg News. He's now been promoted from West Coast bureau chief to managing editor in New York. Bloomberg has five managing editors worldwide and Chu is one of them ...
LOCALITE artist Paul Nagano, who now lives in Boston, is here to escape the snows of the East, and saw his name in this column. It referred to Eileen Mortenson visiting Bali and seeing Nagano's work in a museum. He fills us in: The museum in Ubud where his works are displayed is the Neka Museum. In Honolulu, you can see his Bali-inspired watercolors at Ed and Linda Tseu's gallery of Indonesian furniture and objects, Baik Designs, and at the Gentry Pacific Design Center in Iwilei ...
Ahead of the wave
SURFING pioneer Fred Hemmings was recognized this week for founding the Pipeline Masters Surfing Classic 30 years ago. At the current Masters kickoff reception, he was presented with a bronze sculpture of a "Pipeline Master" catching the legendary wave. The sculptor was surf artist Phil Roberts. Hemmings, who 20 years ago helped open the first surf shop in a mall, Hawaiian Island Creations at Ala Moana, was ahead of that wave, too. Now he's a GOP state senator, with tough surfing ahead ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com