The Hina Mauka Recovery Center is urging anyone who has an alcohol or drug problem to do something about it before a tragedy occurs. Substance abusers urged
to ward off tragedyBy Helen Altonn
Star-BulletinExecutive Director M.P. (Andy) Anderson noted recent auto crashes here that have cost lives and the news of a Michigan college student who died of alcohol poisoning at his own birthday party.
"If anybody thinks they have a problem, please call us," he said, pointing out there are solutions to substance-abuse problems.
People in high-risk occupations and professions such as police officers and firefighters especially are urged to recognize any problems they may have with alcohol and drugs, Anderson said.
They are encouraged to get help, he said, "not just from us, but from anybody before they create some kind of other fatal car crash or hurt themselves or other people."
He said Hina Mauka has had successful graduates from a wide range of occupations, including accountants, company executives, attorneys, doctors, homemakers, media personalities, nurses, educators, laborers, pilots, fishermen, judges, bus drivers and insurance agents.
But it often takes a serious incident, an arrest, family disruption or adverse job action to motivate an alcohol or drug abuser to seek an assessment and treatment, he said.
"We offer an alternative to waiting for that crisis to happen.
"If someone wonders, 'Do I have a drug/alcohol problem?' the odds are they probably do," Anderson said.
He lists these signs and symptoms of alcohol or drug dependency:
Hina Mauka offers free, confidential assessments. Appointments may be made by calling 236-2600, ext. 223 or 246.Black-outs or memory loss while drinking
Driving under the influence
Job or family troubles because of drinking or drug usage
Preoccupation with wanting to drink or use
Guilt feelings about drinking or using drugs
Legal or financial problems because of drinking or using
Social workers specially trained in substance abuse and certified substance-abuse counselors conduct education and support meetings from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. every Thursday at Hina Mauka's Kaneohe facility, located near Windward Community College.
The education program helps family members understand addiction, learn to recognize the signs and avoid becoming trapped by manipulation and denial used by addicts or alcoholics, Anderson said.
"The best thing a family can do is to learn about what they are facing and deal with the addiction and addicted person in a way that is positive and constructive."
Hina Mauka is nationally accredited by the Commission of Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities and licensed and accredited by the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division of the state Department of Health.
It has adolescent and adult programs at 18 locations.
A Teen C.A.R.E. Program provides school-based outpatient services at 10 high schools and two middle schools on Lanai, Kauai and Oahu. For information, call 236-2600, ext. 222.
Adult outpatient programs and offices are as follows on Oahu:
Neighbor Island outpatient clinics:Residential day treatment, outpatient clinic and family program, Kaneohe, 236-2600
Waipahu Clinic, outpatient, 671-6900
Institute for Human Services, 537-2724, ext. 127
Maui, 808-242-9733
Lanai, 808-565-9110
Kauai, 808, 245-8883