Photographs often are the best way to show dramatic changes in Hawaii, providing an easy update on landmarks, persons and events. At other times, however, photos showing minimal changes during the years remind us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. Look for examples of big and little changes every Monday in "It's about time," which will inform, update and prod a few memories.The evolution of
Ala Moana
When the center opened in 1959, there were 87 stores, 680,000 square feet of space, and 4,000 parking spaces. Today, there are 230 stores, over 1.8 million square feet, and 9,000 parking spaces.Sears remains an anchor tenant, although most of the other stores that were in at the beginning have since left or closed -- among them Standard Shoes, Fashions by Hino, Vimi's, Hub Menswear, Skirts 'N Blouses, Ming's, Andrade, McInerny's, Paul's Jewelry, Shida's Babyland, Aloha Fashions, Carousel, Chandlers French Room Shoes, Carol & Mary's, Interiors Hawaii, Ed & Don's and Sato Clothiers.