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Friday, December 8, 2000
Read All About It
Read All About It presents news and notices about Hawaii's literary scene. Send items to Read All About It, P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, Hawaii 96802.
"Ka IwI, Survival of a Coast"
Mission Houses Museum, 531-0481
By Albert Benedict, Carol Silva and Sue Cowling, 7 p.m. tomorrow.
"Journey Into Vanishing Worlds"
Bishop Museum, 847-3511
Photographs by Paige DePonte, 11 a.m. tomorrow.
"Big Mamma & Celeste"
Duc's Bistro, 599-2998
By Audrey King Lewis, 12:30-3 p.m. Sunday. Brunch, entertainment by Tennyson Stephens. $40.
"A Beautiful Hawaiian Day"
By Henry Kapono.
Borders Ward Centre, 2 p.m. tomorrow.
"Limu, The Blue Turtle"
By Kimo Armitage.
Waldenbooks Pearlridge, 11 a.m. tomorrow.
Gifts for Evermore, Aloha Tower Marketplace, 2 p.m. tomorrow.
"Footloose the Mongoose"
By Elaine Masters and Jeff Pagay.
Island Provisions, Hilton Hawaiian Village, 11 a.m. tomorrow.
Waldenbooks Pearlridge, 1 p.m. Sunday.
Muffin Book Series
By Carmen Geshell. With appearance by Muffin.
Waldenbooks Kahala, 11 a.m. tomorrow.
Waldenbooks Pearlridge, 2 p.m. tomorrow.
"Developing Your Intuition for Work and Play"
Kapiolani Community College, 734-9211
6-8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Learn what intuition is, how to recognize it and how to use it to your better advantage at work and play. $55.
African American Literary Book Group
1132 Bishop St., Suite 1404; 528-5037
Discussion on African literature, 6:30-8:30 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of month. Call to confirm.
Crafts and stories
Barnes and Noble; 737-3323
10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Literature Readers Group
Borders Ward Centre; 591-8995
Meets 7 p.m. second Tuesday of month.
Moonlight Storytellers
7-9 p.m. second Friday of month. Storytellers meet to swap tales. Call Vicky Dworkin for information.
Romance Readers Anonymous
Borders Waikele; 676-6699
Meets 6:30 p.m. second Thursday of month.
Romantic Borders
Borders, Ward Centre; 591-8995.
Meets 7 p.m. second Thursday of month.
Writers Support Group
Borders Waikele; 676-6699
Meets 3 p.m. first Friday of month.
Young Authors' Sharing Group
Borders Waikele; 676-6699
Meets 10:30 a.m. second and fourth Wednesday of month. For children in grades 1-6.
Fiction Contest
Highlights for Children seeks unpublished sports stories for children. Three prizes of $1000. For guidelines, write to: Fiction Contest, Highlights for Children, 803 Church St., Honesdale, Pa. 18431. Entries must be postmarked between Jan. 1 and Feb. 28

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