JUST when you thought there was a Starbucks everywhere, we uncovered a place where there isn't one. Honolulu Club founder Axelrod wants
lattes for HiloGene Axelrod has a shopping center in Hilo, and thus far has been unsuccessful in getting the giant coffee company to open a store there. Axelrod figured he had to get the local Starbucks team's attention without abusing his friendship with local franchise owner Duncan MacNaughton, a golfing buddy. So when he got an invite to the grand opening of a new Starbucks in Honolulu, an idea came to him. With the help of a printer friend, Axelrod had the invite changed to make the location read his Hilo shopping center. When he sent copies of it back to the local Starbucks execs, they went ballistic, wondering how a new store could spring up under their noses. MacNaughton, who was in on the gag, had to smooth things over with a latte or two, and Axelrod is still trying to find the way to get Starbucks onto his site ...
FOLLOWING the success of Phillip Huber and his incredible marionettes at the Jim Nabors Christmas show comes word of two puppet shows. "Little Lost Stocking" by the Parasol Puppets will be presented at the Manoa Public Library on Monday at 6:30 p.m. Debbie Lutzky Allen is featured in the free show ... And Jim Gamble is returning to Kennedy Theatre next month to present the puppet theater version of "Peter and the Wolf." Public performances will be Jan. 13 and 14 ... Kanani Titchen, Hawaii born and reared daughter of two former Star-Bulletin staffers, photog Jack Titchen and writer Kathy Titchen, played Isabella in Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure" with the Lamb's Player's educational outreach program company in National City last month. Kanani's a graduate of Tufts University in Boston ...
Viva Las Vegas
YET another ex-islander checks in from Las Vegas. Rozita Villanueva Lee is another of those who keep track of what's happening in the islands via the Star-Bulletin online edition. In 20 years there, she's watched Vegas grow and met a huge influx of Hawaii people who've moved there. The former isle-based entertainer just completed her ninth season in "Drums of the Pacific" at the Imperial Palace. She emcees as well as sings and dances. Check her and the company out on the Web: youngaloha.com ...HAWAII pops up everywhere. A brochure for Anchor Point Lodge on Shelter Island north of Juneau, Alaska, has a color photo on the cover that is unmistakably a joyous looking Shigeru Hotoke holding aloft a huge fish he presumably caught. He's not identified by name, but it is certainly the leader of the Kailua Madrigal Singers in the '70s. Hosts of Alaska Reel Adventures at the resort are Dean Murayama and Matt Sugai, who somehow landed in the 49th state ...
Lights around the world
AN international memorial supporting families who've lost a child takes place Sunday. It begins in New Zealand with a candle lighting ceremony and the local chapter of The Compassionate Friends will host the Hawaii public ceremony at 6 p.m. at La Pietra. The ceremony then proceeds Eastward until it has circled the globe with Friends lighting candles at 7 p.m. in their time zone. Honolulu Publishing owner Dave Pellegrin is again instrumental in coordinating the vigil. Pellegrin lost his son, George, nine years ago and is president of the national board of directors for The Compassionate Friends ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com