DOT'S amazing: Calvin Palmquist considers himself a concerned driver, and always had been taught construction area speed limits were put into place for obvious and good reasons -- to avoid accidents. He couldn't help noticing that construction speed limits posted along the H-3 freeway from Hospital Rock Tunnel through Exit 9 were Speedy sign
resolutionthe same as the posted speed, an oddity. But the construction speed limit sign sitting across the road from the one at Exit 9 to the Likelike Highway really amused him. It was 35 mph vs. the regular exit speed limit of 25 mph. Palmquist pointed this out to the Department of Transportation and two days later got a thank you note from Peter Chan stating the signs were erected in error by a contractor new to highway construction and that they'd be removed that day. And they were. Is this something new? The government in action? ...
THREE time Grammy Award-winning tenor Jerry Hadley, who sang with the Honolulu Symphony last week, is taking the opportunity to team up with Hawaii Opera Theatre to teach master classes to selected soloists at Orvis Opera Studio this week, a real coup for those chosen ... You don't have to drink to get lit downtown Friday night. That's when they're holding the grand lighting ceremony of Bishop Square at 5:30 p.m. ...
Hawaiian Aisles
WHILE I'm sure City Councilman John Felix and others who've turned their houses into wedding chapels have very nice ceremonies, a new standard is about to be set. Even though the "ms Patriot" doesn't launch until Dec. 9, they're already lining up wedding packages including marriage vow renewals on board the ship. The two major packages, the Orchid and the Plumeria, cost $950 and $1,350, but include everything you can think of for the ceremony and honeymoon -- well, just about everything. Room doesn't permit listing all the goodies ...A COUNTRY music fan from Illinois, reading in this column online about a new CD called "Cordell Country," tried to find it. He checked both Barnes & Noble and Borders on the Internet and while he came up with 26 recordings by 17 artists named Cordell, none was the local one, aka Keith Haugen. The dogged Illinois fan tracked down Haugen the old fashioned way -- through the phone book -- and he's supplied the info on "Cordell Country" to both major music outlets. Haugen, for one, was amazed at the number of country artists named Cordell. "Just when I thought I was unique," said Haugen, who thought the only other Cordell was "Walker, Texas Ranger." ...
IF you're out shopping in Restaurant Row during the Christmas season, you have a new place in which to lunch. Ruth's Chris Steak House, once only open for dinner, is now serving lunch Mondays to Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. ...
Remember El Sid
IT'S nice to see a gracious young man like Benny Agbayani getting so much attention following his feats with the Mets. And he didn't even flinch when, after setting New York on its ear and making Letterman and Leno appearances, he returned home to kiss a pig for charity in Honolulu. He has a way to go before topping Hawaii's other gift to the Major Leagues. Jim Winpenny found that the top five pitchers in Major League history in strikeouts per nine innings are Randy Johnson, Nolan Ryan, Sandy Koufax, Sam McDowell and Roger Clemens. Big Sid Fernandez is sixth! ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com