State agencies are proposing to ban fishing in the Pupukea Life Conservation District to protect marine life in the area. State aims to protect
marine life along
North ShoreBy Rosemarie Bernardo
Star-BulletinThe state Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Divisions of Aquatic Resources and Boating and Ocean Recreation will hold a public meeting tonight to discuss proposed revisions. The meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the John Kalili Surf Center next to the Haleiwa Small Boat Harbor.
Along with the ban on methods such as pole-fishing, netting and spearing, state officials will discuss the expansion of the Marine Life Conservation District 100 yards seaward and southward to include Waimea Bay, moving pole and line fishing into Waimea Bay only and regulating commercial dive boat tours.
"There are too many dive tours that are operating in that area," said aquatics biologist Alton Miyasaka. By regulating commercial dive tours, it will reduce traffic and may indirectly alleviate other problems, he said.
The public is invited to hear and discuss recommendations on how to best care for this popular area on Oahu's North Shore.
"We want to emphasize that the rules are currently being revised," said Miyasaka.
The agencies have met with the Pupukea Task Force since August 1999 to review possible changes to the Pupukea Marine Life Conservation District rules.