COMPARED to many mainland states -- does Election night
exhausts pressFlorida come to mind? -- Hawaii handled its election fairly well. Numerous gaffes occurred among many network analysts who looked what we used to call tuckered out. The usually bright-eyed Tim Russert of NBC looked positively punch drunk, and it appeared that he'd love to call the race over no matter who was declared the winner. Ex-Clinton aide Paul Begala showed how a once rarely used word has been co-opted by young people today when he said his 8-year-old son called the Florida situation "bogus." And a final note: When KGMB's Angela Keene was giving a rundown on the still unclear situation in Florida, she referred to "the Electrical College." It was as if she'd been listening to too much George Bush, but at least she quickly corrected herself, unlike the "subliminable" Bush, who went on to repeat his mistake before his handlers could get to him ...
SLOWLY getting back to work after a long period of caring for her ailing husband is TV producer Cynthia Yip. She attended the "Baywatch Hawaii" wrap party at the Hilton Hawaiian Village and filmed a segment for "Extra." She did a feature on the final episode, which featured the group SR-71, and interviewed the stars about the ending of the season. One guest she videotaped was Sean, from the CBS show "Survivor," about his "Baywatch" appearance. Yip hopes to be anchoring and producing several specials for KITV in the coming year ...
Apolitical La Bete
I was amused at the literal definition of the show opening tomorrow night at UH. Producers translate "La Bete" as "The Beast/The Fool." It has nothing to do with national politics of late, however. Grad student Mark Branner is using techniques he picked up at Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus Clown School in the production. He's also helping others in the class to juggle and use their bodies in performance. After suffering a brain bruise in a bicycle accident recently, Branner was afraid he'd never perform again. Still, he appeared in the play he was rehearsing at the time of the accident, "No One Will Marry a Princess," and despite his fears proved to be a hit with the kids. Now he's really putting himself to the test by doing "La Bete," the opening scene of which consists of him in a 20-minute monologue ...FOLLOWING in the footsteps of Murphy's "Halfway to Paddy's Day" on Sept. 17 comes Compadres' "Halfway to Cinco de Mayo." The celebration was Sunday in Ward Centre and coincided with the 10th anniversary Honolulu Lacrosse Tourney post-party. And though former bar manager John Langan was one of the organizers of the lacrosse contest he wasn't able to enjoy it. He's now manager of Compadres in Lahaina Cannery Mall and had his own celebration on Maui ...
Dave Rockstar
WHEN DJ Hudson of STAR 101.9 heard I'd written a country and western song, she fairly demanded I sing it on stage at Gordon Biersch with Joe Rockstar, the band featuring her husband, Steve Hott. I reluctantly agreed and after rehearsing the song with the group Tuesday night, promised to show up and perform it tonight. It follows a Star-Bulletin party at Murphy's which we hope will be a celebration, not a wake. This is not to be interpreted in any way as an audition for a job other than the one I hold now and hope to hold for many years to come ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com