Photographs often are the best way to show dramatic changes in Hawaii, providing an easy update on landmarks, persons and events. At other times, however, photos showing minimal changes during the years remind us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. Look for examples of big and little changes every Monday in "It's about time," which will inform, update and prod a few memories.It's been 25 years, so many folks probably do not remember when Kapiolani Boulevard extended beyond King and South streets, actually connecting to Beretania Street.
In 1975, the city moved to close the Kapiolani Boulevard Extension to through traffic, first reducing the six lanes to one and converting most of the space to parking stalls for the new Municipal Office Building. The plan, part of the Civic Center Master Plan, was to turn the street into a landscaped area connecting Honolulu Hale with the Municipal Office Building. In 1973, officials said the site also was targeted "to become a rapid transit station in the future." The transit station never materialized, but the street was dug up and planted over.