Monday, October 23, 2000
NEW YORK - Walking home from the subway at 1:15 a.m. after another heartbreaking loss by my New York Mets, the first signs of oh-no, how are we going to come back from 0-2 are starting to creep in. This Series is a slice
of New York lifeBy Ben DiPietro
Special to the Star-BulletinThen a car pulls up to a stoplight blaring Frank Sinatra's "Thats Life" and I start singing along: "Each time I fall down and land flat on my face, I pick myself up and get back in the race...."
How much more reassurance could a Met fan ask for!
Down but not out after two games of the freakin all-New York, fuhgeddahbouddit World Series, there are three things I do know:
After that amazing Game 1, it didnt matter the Mets lost. That was one great game for the ages and, no matter the Series outcome, made the trip worthwhileThe Yankees are a very lucky team;
Roger Clemens is a classless jerk;
And the Mets will win the World Series...
There was much less energy at Game 2 than the opener, as it seemed the entire baseball-loving portion of the city had a Game 1 hangover. Even most Yankee fans were too tired to taunt the Met fans they outnumbered by a 5-1 margin.
I was looking around for some Met fan backup when the two teams almost came to blows in Game 2. And why wasn't Clemens ejected for tossing the bat back at Piazza? Even Yankee fans said they lost some respect for their guy. I hope he has to pitch at Shea Stadium some day.
I had nice Game 1 seats, upper deck, but even with the pitchers mound, so a good view of the plate. Game 2 seats were upper deck in right field, second-to-last section before bleachers, right where David Justice hit the homer that knocked out Seattle...
Scalpers asking from $700 for upper deck seats to $1,500 for box seats and $5,000 or more for the best box seats for Games 3-4-5. Makes my three tickets to Games 1, 2 and 6 for a total of $800 sound pretty reasonable, doesn't it?...
I will sit with the Bleacher Creatures in Game 6 (yes, there will be a Game 6!)...
Best anti-Mets sign at Yankee Stadium: METS - My Entire Team Sucks...
Best fan diatribe: A rather well-oiled Yankee fan goes postal on people leaving Game 1 with score tied in ninth inning. He launches into a most creative use of expletives, sandwiched between telling these people they are not baseball fans, they should give up whatever tickets they have for the rest of the Series and in fact, should never be allowed to attend another game, even in spring training.
Then he asks some cops standing nearby: "Shoot them, please! Shoot them in the (expletive) head! Don't let them leave early alive!" ...
Best part of riding subway after the games: Talking baseball with total strangers...
Best moment on the train: A dad is asking his son of about 7 or 8 whether he plans to watch WWF Wrestling or the World Series when they get home. The boy answers, "The game! Wrestling is out." Then he cups his hands and says, "This is wrestling," and blows it away. It's always comforting to see a child saved from wrestling by baseball...
Biggest cell phone idiot: The guy sitting behind me in Game 2 who drove five hours to game, then called everyone he knew back home to tell them he made it, and then had a discussion with someone who invited him to Thanksgiving dinner. Then he left in seventh inning.
Auwe! Just stay home, brah!