HILO -- The University of Hawaii is proposing operating budgets totaling $1.35 billion during the next two fiscal years. UH to seek $1 bil
in state fundingBy Rod Thompson
Big Island correspondentOf that amount, $872.7 million will be requested from state general funds from the Legislature.
University regents approved the two-year budget in a committee meeting yesterday, and the Board of Regents was expected to approve it today.
The committee also voted to ask the Legislature for $202.6 million in construction money for the two-year period, much of which will go for repairing deteriorating facilities.
University President Kenneth Mortimer confirmed that the 26 projects the money would cover are a wish list, but said the Legislature has given "pretty healthy amounts" in the past.
The general fund requests, about two-thirds of the operating budget, represent a declining portion of the total.
In 1995, every $1 from tuition was matched with $10.50 in general funds. In the present 2000 budget, every $1 from tuition brings only $4.30 cents from the general fund.
The university is also moving backward on maintenance.
Last year, the university was working on $96 million in repairs over a five-year period, Mortimer said. This year, the Department of Accounting and General Services raised the total to $166.7 million.
University of Hawaii