YESTERDAY wasn't a very good day for San Francisco sports fans, of which there are many living in Hawaii. Those with two TV sets or ensconced in a well-equipped sports bar got to see the Giants go down to defeat dredging up but a single hit off B.J. Jones of the Mets. It could easily have been a no hitter except for the drive that just missed being snared by the New York third baseman. But locals still have Benny Agbayani to cheer on -- he got another couple of hits for the Mets ... Giants cant
win em allThen, after fighting back from a two touchdown deficit, the S.F. 49ers fought back to tie the Oakland Raiders, and would have won the game if a final field goal attempt hadn't been blocked. Even die-hard fans will admit it was one of the most exciting games seen on TV in the islands this year ...
NO, those men in dark clothing rappelling from the fourth floor of the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center tomorrow evening aren't burglers. In recognition of Fire Prevention Week, HPD firefighters will be demonstrating the art of rappelling. They'll also give free blood pressure screenings and provide live entertainment courtesy of their singing group, Fire House ... Comic Rip Taylor really misses the islands. He says his skin is peeling and the tan he built up during his recent isle stay is fading fast. The most exciting thing he's done in recent weeks, pens Rip, is attend the auction for Mae West's jewelry, no doubt picturing it on himself ...
Organ orgy
THE folks who keep those church organs going are looking for some help to include in this coming Sunday's "Organ Orgy." What's they're looking for is an organ grinder, complete with performing monkey, to take part in the afternoon moveable feast of organ music. It'll be a progressive walk-along concert with stops at four different downtown sites, starting at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 2 p.m. Attendees will also get to stroll behind a horse-drawn carriage carrying an ancient pipe organ in performance from site to site. Organ grinders can volunteer by calling 550-2632 ...LOSSES suffered by the UH Warriors may cut down on crowds attending Saturday's football game at Aloha Stadium -- many fans are strictly front-runners -- but here's a way to make this weekend's commute more friendly. The USS Arizona Memorial is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its visitor center Saturday. Football fans can park in Aloha Stadium's lot starting at 2:30 p.m. (or 1 p.m. with those carrying four or more in their car), saunter across the street and enjoy an afternoon of free entertainment at the Memorial from 3 to 5 p.m. Three Plus and the Makaha Sons will perform, and you can exit in time to stroll back to the stadium for the game ...
Sweet 16th invitational
ENTERTAINER Danny Kaleikini and his foundation held its 16th invitational golf tournament at Honolulu Country Club, benefiting seven local charities. The MGM Mirage was the major sponsor for the seventh year with several trips to its various Vegas resorts auctioned off to high bidders. MGM Mirage International president Al Faccinto Jr. helped the foundation with a super grand auction item -- roundtrip tickets for two and three nights each at the Bellagio, the Mirage and the MGM. Ted Jung of Salomon Smith Barney submitted the winning bid. And Faccinto and wife Kathie renewed their 10th anniversary wedding vows at Danny's Aloha Ke Akua Chapel, Hawaiian style ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com