IT was my first experience on the Honolulu to Oakland flight of Aloha Airlines, and it was a winner on a number of counts. For one, it avoids the frequent hold-ups due to traffic and foggy weather at SFO and secondly, it arrives late enough at night to avoid most traffic either into the City or elsewhere. Lastly, the food is catered by Alan Wong and is close enough to the kind of thing he serves up in his award-winning eatery that to say it was a surprise in the air is putting it mildly ... Meanwhile, Happy on
wings of AlohaHawaiian Airlines president Paul Casey drew cheers from 2,000 Boeing workers at the blessing to start production of 13 new Boeing 717-200 jets for the airline's inter-island fleet. That was because he ended his remarks with "Boeing no ka oi." Many of the Boeing employees wore aloha shirts bought from a nearby Hilo Hattie store, prompting Casey to say he plans to see Hilo Hattie honcho Chris Resich about a commission ... WHEN "Baywatch" regulars Jason Momoa and Brande Roderick stayed on after the rest of the cast left a HUGS benefit, we wondered if they might be getting in some hugs of their own. Now comes word from the set that they are indeed, and took a stroll home from the benefit, turning down offers of a ride. Quite a change of companions for Brande, who formerly shared Hugh Hefner with three other women at the Playboy mansion ... Joely Fisher, daughter of Connie Stevens and Eddie Fisher had a belated honeymoon at the Manele Bay Hotel on Lanai. Joely just completed a starring role in "Cabaret" on Broadway and a four-year run on the sitcom "Ellen," which would make the tranquility of Lanai all the more wonderful ...
Kitchen synch
CRAZY like a FOX reporter, that Manolo Morales. Yesterday he had Sansei exec chef Sean Kinoshita doing an aromatic dish to promote this weekend's garlic festival. But behind the scenes there was a further blending of flavors and favors. Morales' next guest was Tyler Florence, host of "Food 911" on the Television Food Network, in town for a Food Network Live event this weekend, and he needed a kitchen in which to prep for his morning news spot. Sean graciously offered up his kitchen and now the two guys are best buds ...WHAT a surprise to learn that the winner of the most eligible bachelor in America was Tom Gill. He appeared on the CBS morning show, but of course this was a much younger man and not the local politico Tom Gill ... You've seen comic Wayne Grady on "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" and on "Gepetto," both starring his pal Drew Carey. Now you can see him doing improvisational comedy live in Hawaii when he performs Nov. 16-18 at the Diamond Head Theatre. Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at Ticket Plus, Foodland, Sack N Save and the Blaisdell Box Office ...
Hall of Famer
IF Philip "Pip" White were a baseball player and not an architect, he'd be heading for the Hall of Fame. His firm has been on a streak, garnering three major awards in the past month including one national honor. His design for Molokai Ranch Lodge won an award of excellence from the Honolulu Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. In addition, the Camps at Molokai Ranch & Lodge won in the tourism category of Coastal Living magazine's national awards. Finally, the Building Industry Association of Hawaii gave the firm an overall Grand Award for its renovation of a classic 1920s house near Nuuanu Stream. Pip Pip ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com