IF you have any doubt that TV performers are hams at heart, this should persuade you. When the Society of Professional Journalists stages its "Election Deluxe" Gridiron Show (in the spirit of the old Press Club presentations) there'll be 16 TV news people as opposed to five from newspapers and ham TV news types
take to stageon wry John Heckathorn of Honolulu Magazine. The show will be at Diamond Head Theatre Oct. 27 & 28 with four stage stalwarts, Cathy Foy, Lance Rae, Rhonda and Bill Sage helping out ... One TV newswoman who won't be participating is Channel 2's Sheryl Turbeville, who recently delivered an 11-pound, 12-ounce baby girl, Moana, by C-section. The baby was 22 inches long and pal Letha DeCaires figures Sheryl will be recovering for the next year! ...
THOSE TV newswomen are everywhere. Channel 4's Jill Kuramoto and Channel 8's Diane Ako were among those checking out the new Aveda Lifestyle Salon Spa which Mary Suiter has opened in Manoa. But you have to move fast to get past Nancy Caraway. The wife of Rep. Neil Abercrombie was at the spa's opening representing "Malama O Manoa," and must have been impressed -- she made the first appointment. Since the Sept. 12 blessing by the Rev. David Kaapu, Aveda has been happening, allowing Suiter more time to work on the November opening of her second spa at Ala Moana Center ...
The passing of Pops
IT seems almost impossible to believe, but one of the all-time great Hawaii performers, Phillip "Gabby" Pahinui, died 20 years ago next week. And to mark the occasion of "Pops' " passing, Harry Soria Jr. is featuring a musical tribute to Gabby on his "Territorial Airwaves" show Sunday on KINE-FM from 5 to 6 p.m. I can picture Pops as if it were yesterday, sauntering into Columbia Inn for lunch, always with a shy smile and warm handshake for those who'd drop by his table to say "Hi." ...SOME of the more unusual artists in Hawaii will be showing off their works tomorrow from 5 to 7 p.m. at the nonprofit Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific. These are folks whose talents were unlocked once they became disabled themselves. Among those showing off his paintings will be 28-year-old Mathew Kaopio, a quadriplegic painter who learned to paint with a brush in his mouth after a 1994 diving incident left him disabled. His paintings document Hawaii's beauty, myth and legends, and some of his works have been on display at the Academy of the Pacific. All paintings will be for sale with money raised going to the hospital's art program ...
LAS VEGAS producer and performer Breck Wall has visited Hawaii many times, originally with his show, "Bottoms Up," in which he played stripper Delilah Debris. Now he's slated to be on the History Channel's "History's Mysteries" Wednesday. No, he's not considered one himself, but the Dallas native was interviewed for a story on Jack Ruby, the nightclub owner who killed alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald ...
Spreading the word
BACK from Sacramento is First Presbyterian Church pastor Dan Chun, co-founder of Hawaiian Island Ministries. He spoke there to some 16,000 men at a "Promise Keepers" rally, calling his talk, "How to Be Better Husbands, Fathers and Friends." Next week, the HIM staff will be flying to Silicon Valley to help inspire 1,000 Bay area Christians and dot.com execs. They're taking along fresh lei for the Friday the 13th session ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com