Some churches have invited members to bring their cuddly or even creepy pets to church Oct. 1 to celebrate the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. Churches offer pet
blessings on feast day
of St. FrancisStar-Bulletin staff
Pets will be blessed at the 9 a.m. services at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua and St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Kapolei, and at the 10 a.m. services at St. Clement's Episcopal Church in Makiki and St. Andrew's Cathedral in downtown Honolulu. Unity Church of Hawaii will hold an animal blessing at 12:15 p.m.
All of the churches require that the animals be on a leash or in a carrier, and Unity Church advises that if it is a truly anti-social pet, bringing a photo of the beast will do.
Francis of Assisi, who died in 1226, taught about man's relationship with all of Creation and is usually depicted preaching to birds and animals. He is the patron saint of ecology and animals.
"The love we give to a pet, and receive from a pet, draws us more deeply into the larger circle of life and into the wonder of our common relationship with our Creator," said the Rev. Peter Courtney, dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral.
There will be a calabash collection at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, with proceeds to go to the Hawaiian Humane Society. Unity Church will also donate offerings made at the blessing to the Humane Society.
The power of forgiveness to nurture not just emotional healing but physical health will be the topic of a free lecture Thursday by two Oahu physicians. Lecture to examine forgiveness
Star-Bulletin staff
Drs. Gerald Jampolsky and Diane Cirincione will speak at the annual meeting of the Health Ministries Association of Hawaii at Central Union Church from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
The session is open to the public. Reservations may be made by calling Castle Community Care, 234-7142.
Jampolsky and Cirincione lecture on what they call "practical spirituality," the effects of attitudes, beliefs and relationships on health and professional lives.
The interfaith Health Ministries Association encourages and develops services for the whole person among church congregations and the community.
Religion Calendar
P.O. Box 61850, 988-6907
The Rev. Frank White will give the lesson, "A Touch of Class," 10 a.m. tomorrow at Ala Moana Hotel, Carnation Room.
"Spiritual Path" classes, 7-9:30 p.m. beginning Wednesday. Eight-week classes will give students a greater understanding of the nature of life and God's relationship to the individual. Cost is $80. Call to pre-register.
1660 S. Beretania St., 941-0957
"Before and After You Marry," 5:30-7:30 p.m. Sept. 29 and Oct. 6, 13 and 20. The Rev. Ron and Betty Ching will talk about how to understand yourself and your partner, the eight languages of love, how to fight fair, how to deal with emotions, time, in-laws, chores, careers, second marriages, blended families, relationship priorities, mistakes never to make, how to recover from mistakes and other subjects.DIGNITY HONOLULU
539 Kapahulu Ave., 536-5536
Dignity Pacific Region 2000 Conference, "Wherever You Go, I Will Go, Your God Will Be My God," 8:15 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 11 at the Church of the Crossroads, 1212 University Ave. Keynote speaker is Daniel Helminiak, author of "What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality." Conference workshop speakers will explore the relationship with God to the church, society and to each other as gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Catholic Christians. Morning refreshments and lunch included. The early-bird registration fee for Dignity members and guests is $45 by next Saturday. After Sept. 30, the cost is $55 for members and $65 for nonmembers.FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH
2500 Pali Highway, 595-4047
At tomorrow's 10:15 a.m. service, a member of Congregation Sof Ma'arav will explain the Jewish High Holy Days observance, which will begin Friday. The conservative Jewish congregation, which shares the building, has invited the Unitarian congregation to join their Rosh Hashanah service Oct. 1.FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
1020 S. Beretania St., 522-9555
Next Saturday, the United Methodist Women will gather here for their district annual meeting from 7:45 a.m. to 3 p.m. "We Are One" is the theme of the meeting, combined with the Mission Festival of the District Commission on Global Ministries. Registration information is available from chairwoman Charlene Dorsey or members of the organizations.
Nancy Conley will lead a reading group on the writings of Henri J.M. Nouwen, Thursday.
1117 Koko Head Ave., 735-1771
Family fun night with Jillybean and Sherri Odlevak, 6:30-8:30 p.m. next Saturday. Jillybean, or Jill Bryan, will share a gospel message through ventriloquism, puppetry and illusions. A former All Conference player in basketball and volleyball, Odlevak, through her ministry "Dribble for Destiny," impacts people for Christ using ball-handling and spinning skills.OLIVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH
108 California Ave.
Annual bazaar, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. next Saturday. Includes Korean goodies, Samoan plate lunches, barbecue sandwiches with potato salad, baked goods, boutique items, shave ice, plants and previously owned items.OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH
1404 University Ave., 946-4223
The Sunday adult series on "Christian Care at Life's End" will continue at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the auditorium.ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL
Queen Emma Square, 524-2822
Cooking for the Institute of Human Services, next Saturday. Call Marcia or Hao at 523-5654.ST. CHRISTOPHER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH
93 N. Kainalu Drive, 262-8176
The Rev. Nancy Conley of the Healing Touch movement will lead a workshop on Prayer for Healing, Wednesday.ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH
511 Main St., 422-7888
Healing weekend to offer opportunities to learn about and experience the ministry of healing, Sept. 29-30. Free. Donations accepted. Child care available. Call to register.UNITY CHURCH OF HAWAII
3608 Diamond Head Circle, 735-4436
Intro to Computers, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Monday; Intermediate Excel, 1-2:30 p.m., and Intermediate Power Point, 2:30-4 p.m. next Saturday. Cost is $15 per class. Call extension 316 for more information.WAIPAHU UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST
94-330 Mokuola St., 677-3317
The Rev. Chris Eng will deliver the sermon, "Olympic Greats," at 8:30 a.m. contemporary and 10:30 a.m. traditional worship services tomorrow.WINDWARD UNITY CHURCH
38 Kaneohe Bay Drive, 254-6448
The Rev. Richard H. Levy will speak about "Ultimate Sabbath," 8 a.m. tomorrow. Special guest cabaret star Matt Yee will perform.
"Calendar" is a list of special services, guest speakers, fund-raisers and other events that runs Saturdays in the Star-Bulletin. Send items and photographs, if available, 10 days in advance to: Religion Calendar, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu 96802. Items may be faxed to 523-8509.