TO all those who wished me a happy birthday today, thank you. To those who forgot or chose not to recognize I'm a year older, thanks even more ... Do you suppose there's any relationship between the Jameson misses news biz
Star-Bulletin's future being in the air and the Columbia Inn announcing it's for sale? All four local Kyotaro eateries are on the block, but the one next door to the News Building would seem to be high on the wish list for Gannett. It would give the newspaper monolith Kapiolani frontage from South to Coral Streets and, indeed, all of a square block except for the Royal Capitol Plaza building ... Linda Jameson left Channel 2 news to spend more time with her 2-year old and do public relations with Joan Bennet & Associates. She's giving P.R. her best shot, says Jameson, "but I miss news already." ... I-94 morning man Sean D. apparently never got the word! On "Good Neighbor Day" he picked up a dozen roses from Beretania Florist and at 6:30 a.m. began jumping on a trampoline outside the window of the KITV studio, visible on air. He was waving a sign that read, "I Love Jill," prompting co-hosts Jill Kuramoto and Paul Udell to invite him in to present the roses to the pretty one -- no, not you, Paul! Sorry, Sean, but as we announced some weeks back, Jill is now engaged. But who's going to turn down a dozen roses -- particularly on "Good Neighbor Day." ...
Bonann the Librarian
IT'S a wonder "Baywatch Hawaii" gets filmed at all these days, what with producer Greg Bonann appearing at this function and that promoting his new book, entitled (tongue-in-cheek) "Baywatch: Rescued from Prime Time." First there was a book release party at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, and among those attending were the show's Stacy Kamano and Michael Bergin. He's been at various bookstores for signings and on the Perry & Price morning show at the Hanohano Room of the Sheraton and also appeared as a guest judge on "Hawaii Stars." Bonann proved to be an honest judge, too, because one contestant who was introduced as an extra on "Baywatch Hawaii" didn't win the top prize. Co-host Kimo Kahoano gigged Bonann that he'd auditioned for roles in the show, but hadn't been cast as yet. The producer shrugged off Kimo's broad hint. Incidentally, Bonann, who's retained his California lifeguard license for many years, is taking the Hawaii test in a couple of weeks and is as nervous as he first was in L.A. ...THEATER notes: He's no longer in "Baywatch," but David Hasselhoff still has reason to hold in his stomach. He's readying his Broadway debut in "Jekyl & Hyde." ... When Rip Taylor headed back to L.A. it was for a third reading in his quest to play to the dad of Sean Hayes' character, Jack, on "Will and Grace." He'd love to be cast opposite his pal, Debbie Reynolds in the Emmy-winning show ... No rest for the weary: Hudson works weekday mornings on STAR 101.9 but still dragged herself out of bed Saturday to hand out Starbucks coffee to those lined up for tickets to see "Chicago," opening Oct. 17 at the Concert Hall ...
Tongue Fu!
HOW would you like to be introduced to people as a certified Tongue Fu trainer? That's what Gwen Clarke Fujie claims to be. She'll be doing a free presentation of Tongue Fu -- martial arts for the mind and mouth -- Saturday from 10:30 to noon at the Pearl City Library. She presents alternatives to giving tongue-lashings or being tongue-tied in this G-rated presentation ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com