Monday, August 28, 2000
Use "Across" software to solve
the puzzle on your computer.
Instructions and the .puz file here.
1. Pahoehoe, e.g.
5. Jutting rock
9. Humbug word
12. Seed covering
13. Massage
14. Octopus
15. Beef: Hawaiian
16. Kanyaku __
17. Hula ___
18. Haleakala's famous plant
21. Voice: Hawaiian
22. Grind
23. Positive reply
26. Oahu's safety force
28. Wind direction
29. Hawaiian article
30. Name
32. Young wahine
33. Cereal grain
34. Red "rain" flower
36. Nigiri, e.g.
38. Delicious
39. Awesome: slang
42. Leg part
43. Apostrophe follower
44. Musubi center
45. O-cha
46. Curvy letter
48. Neither's pal
49. Taro-based staple
51. Fragrant orange bloom
56. Cone sushi
58. Not kanji
59. Moonfish
62. Give advance notice
63. Clue
64. Law or regulation
65. Be niele; inquire
66. Lei flower
67. "Kauai: The Garden __"
1. Runner's distance
2. Onassis, to friends
3. High makamaka ones
4. Royalty
5. Author Cussler
6. "___ and Juliet"
7. Afghan prince
8. Korean medicinal root
9. Bolohead person
10. Pseudonym
11. Hauoli Makahiki __
14. Roofing substance
17. Prince and Ilikai
19. Attorney's degree
20. Sea urchin
24. First: Hawaiian
25. Slippery fabric
26. DonHoku?
27. Finished
30. "__ __ Lucy": 2 wds.
31. State birds
33. Regulatory agency
35. Dangerous
37. Utilize
40. In a frenzy
41. Reknowned surfer
45. Bind
47. Late Matsunaga
49. Auricle
50. HGEA leader Russell
52. Vase
53. Carpenter's need
54. Musubi wrapper
55. Gourds
56. 1982 hurricane
57. Barber's Point, e.g.
60. Every
61. Octopus: Hawaiian
Solution to last week's puzzle:
Answers next week