Shoppers will get a bagful of women's clothing and accessories for $1 in a fund-raising sale to benefit the YWCA program for women entering the workforce. YWCA's $1 sale will
help job programThe Buck-A-Bag Super Sale will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 1-2 at the YWCA Laniakea Center, 1040 Richard St., Room 130.
The Clothes Closet Store was opened two years ago to provide work clothing for women in transition from welfare, recovery programs or job training into employment. It is open to the public.
The Organ Donor Center of Hawaii increased the number of organ donors by 62 percent from 1998 to 1999 -- the greatest improvement among all centers in western states, according to the federal Health Care Financing Administration. More organ donors:
Everyone got a heartThe administration, which recently finished a regular two-year audit of the donor center, praised it for increasing donations during a period when donations worldwide are static and for its ability to maintain and recover hearts.
Everyone on the waiting list in Hawaii last year received heart transplants as a result, the center said.
From 1998 to 1999, the number of donors increased from 16 to 26 and organ recovery went up 86 percent, from 43 organs to 80 -- giving 70 patients life-saving transplants.
The federal agency also noted the Hawaii center's ability to transfer hearts to the mainland. Until recently, Hawaii wasn't able to recover hearts for use on the mainland because of a limited survival time.
The center was asked to explore the possibility of expanding its operations to Saipan, Guam and American Samoa.
Robyn Kaufman, the center's executive director, said its improvement "is a reflection of the generosity and aloha spirit of people in Hawaii, as well as a dedicated and professional staff.
"The increases also reflect the work of our community partners, such as the Hawaii Organ Donation Coalition, the Filipino Nurses Organization of Hawaii and many others."
For more information, contact the center at 599-7630, toll-free at 1-877-0603, or
Legal Services Corp. will award a $460,000 special grant to Legal Aid Society of of Hawaii. Legal Aid Society to use
grant on high-tech solutionsLegal Aid will use the funds to improve access to the justice system for low-income clients in remote areas and the neighbor islands.
It will install a videoconferencing system to allow people in these areas to have face-to-face self-help assistance and court document review.
A Web site will be designed to help clients locate self-help materials, fill out simplified court forms, identify programs and services for more help and understand the legal process.
Legal Aid will also partner with the library system, a social service agency and public housing programs to assist low-income clients to access technology and to expand the statewide telephone legal hotline referral system.
The Technology Initiative Grants have been given to programs who will expand access to the justice and legal system by using today's technology.
The total amount of the Technology Initiative Grants awarded to all programs totals over $4 million.
More than 59 programs competed for these special grants nationally.
HILO -- Police and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents seized 2.6 pounds of black tar heroin and 1.6 pounds of cocaine in a major drug bust at a Puna home yesterday. Authorities seize heroin
and cocaine on Big IslandThey described the seizure as one of the largest in the history of the Hawaii County Police Department, making a "major dent" in the East Hawaii heroin supply.
A 36-year-old man arrested at the house is expected to be charged.
He is being held on $50,000 bail. A 38-year-old woman was arrested but released pending investigation.
Police put the street value of the heroin at $240,000 and the cocaine at $30,000.
A small amount of marijuana and $5,850 in cash also were seized.
The bust came at the end of a two-day investigation, police said.
One surviving girl's condition upgraded
The family of Nancy Phongsavath, 12, who died Tuesday after being hit by a van in Kalihi Valley, is making their address public for donations.The decision was made after people offered to help pay for Nancy's funeral expenses.
The address is: The Phongsavaths, 2294 G Kalaunu St., Apt. 27G, Honolulu 96819.
Two other girls injured by the van are hospitalized at Queen's Medical Center. The condition of Hilovelyn Luab, 10, was upgraded to guarded while her sister, Switzer, 12, remains in critical condition.
The 23-year-old driver of the van is under investigation for negligent homicide. Police said he appeared to have been distracted "doing what many other drivers do on a daily basis" when he lost control of the van.
3 Pearl-based ships head for Persian Gulf
Three Pearl Harbor-based warships -- the frigate USS Crommelin and destroyers USS Fletcher and USS Paul Hamilton -- and 800 sailors will leave tomorrow for a routine six-month deployment in the western Pacific and Persian Gulf.The three vessels will join the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier battle group. Aboard the Fletcher and the Crommelin will be two SH-60B Seahawk helicopters and 44 personnel from a Kaneohe Bay antisubmarine squadron.
Two men in standoff pleading not guilty
Two men facing first-degree attempted murder charges for firing numerous shots at civilians and police during a five-hour standoff in Hawaii Kai earlier this month pleaded not guilty yesterday in Circuit Court.Trial for Peter Takeda, 38, and Gerven C. Sorino, 25, was set for Oct. 23. Both are being held on $500,000 bail.
Some events of interest9 a.m., Downtown to Waikiki: Motorcade honoring the recipients of the Medal of Honor. Route begins at King and River streets, goes along King and Punchbowl streets, to Ala Moana through Waikiki and ends at Kapiolani Park.
6-9 p.m., Molokai: Community meeting to explain the federal bill on native Hawaiians. Online chat available at The bill can also be downloaded at that site.
Police, Fire, Courts
By Star-Bulletin staffHonolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
H-2 sees three accidents before 11 this morning
Fire and ambulance units were summoned this morning to an overturned car that flipped on the H-2 freeway onramp leading from Kamehameha Highway near the Leilehua Golf Course.Police said the accident occurred at 10:27 a.m.
A half-hour earlier on the H-2 freeway, near the Mililani off-ramp, three cars collided; there were no reports of major injuries.
Westbound early morning rush-hour traffic came to a near standstill at 8:20 when five vehicles were involved in a minor accident that closed the highway's special "zipper lane" for several hours.
Game ends in stabbing; man critically hurt
A 23-year-old man was in critical condition after being stabbed during a basketball game in Kalihi last night.A group of men were playing basketball at the Kalakaua District Park at 720 McNeill St. when the game became increasingly violent, with pushing and fouling, police said.
About 15 men surrounded one man and began assaulting him. A friend attempted to intervene when the victim was stabbed near the heart, police said.
He was taken to Queen's Medical Center in critical condition.
Fire on Waianae street put out before damage
A small brush fire broke out last night before midnight in Waianae. No property damage was reported from the fire, which occurred on Maunaolu Street.
Man shot in chest is flown to Oahu for care
HILO -- A 37-year-old Big Island man was in critical condition at Queen's Medical Center today after being shot in the chest at a Puna District home, police said.A 23-year-old suspect was in custody, accused of shooting the victim about 5 p.m. yesterday during an argument at a house in the Hawaiian Beaches subdivision south of Hilo.
The victim was initially treated at Hilo Medical Center before being transferred to Queen's.
Pair facing charges in home invasion
Two men are facing burglary, robbery and kidnapping charges in connection with Monday's invasion of a Pohakapu home.The suspects, 18 and 19, are believed to be the two men in black ski masks and black clothing who surprised an 82-year-old woman while she was sleeping.
The pair handcuffed the woman and reportedly filled two suitcases with her personal items, including money, jewelry, and credit cards.
Pahoa child's death spurs murder charges
HILO -- Police have charged a father and his girlfriend with murder following the death of a 9-year-old boy in a child abuse case.Derek Waki, 29, and Kuulei Kane, 30, both of Pahoa, were charged yesterday in the death of Derek Waki Jr. They are being held in lieu of $50,000 bail each.
Responding to a report of an unresponsive child, police arrested Waki on Wednesday. The child was flown to Kapiolani Medical Center and died that day.
Trash fire takes over Rainbow Hawaii Farms
Fifty city and federal firefighters fought a fire yesterday that destroyed a house and a half-acre of land on a vegetable farm in Waianae. The blaze at Rainbow Hawaii Farms on Kuwale Road started when a rubbish fire spread to the house, fire officials said. Flames spread into farm sheds and surrounding brush.One firefighter suffered minor injuries. The four occupants weren't home. The fire caused an estimated $90,000 damage.