Art slaves thrive at
Living Earth
By Nadine Kam
Star-BulletinWe love high culture--theatre, dance, cinema, music--But weekends are also made for shopping. Shopping Fanatic is a Thursday feature dedicated to the pursuit of finds beyond the malls.You can't miss the giant blue bear and red-headed goddess Venus gracing the exterior of The Living Earth -- Art Haven in Kailua. Both papier-mâché sculptures are the work of one of the
store's co-owners, Eric Kaneshiro, and are among the many original works on view in the boutique, which is part art gallery, part gathering place for creative souls.
Traditional galleries are too confining, he said. "We want to take art directly to the people."
With its plush furniture and colorful ambience, people have felt welcome to sit down and make themselves at home.
"We did it all without thinking," said Williams. "We gathered furniture or people would give us furniture they didn't need anymore."
"I think this place is different from an art gallery, because we've made it for everybody," Kaneshiro said.
As for the name, " 'Living' is growth, movement, change, constantly evolving," said Kaneshiro. "We do a lot of art with nothing, or what people consider nothing."
But there's a demand for nothing, and other retailers, coffee shops and hair salons have been the first to commission more of Kaneshiro's eye-catching sculptures, which range in price from $100 to $300.
Mosaic or decoupage tables by Lee are similarly priced. Kaneshiro also makes folk-art dolls that run $100 to $200. A Halloween-themed mobile with a jack o' lantern, devil's head and green witch head runs $50. A mirror embellished with found objects by Lee sells for $17.95. Mosaic lamps are $43.50. Candle holders are $6.95.
The shop also features beaded jewelry, papier-mâché shrines and clay Buddha images made by monks in Thailand. These are $6 to $20 and have all been blessed.
Every other weekend, The Living Earth features an open mic jam beginning 8 p.m. The next one is this Saturday.
"Bring your soda, sit down, talk story with us or with each other, whatever you want to do," Kaneshiro says.
The Living Earth -- Art Haven: 436 Uluniu St., 262-5991. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.
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