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Monday, August 14, 2000

Photographs often are the best way to show dramatic changes in Hawaii, providing an easy update on landmarks, persons and events. At other times, however, photos showing minimal changes during the years remind us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. Look for examples of big and little changes every Monday in "It's about time," which will inform, update and prod a few memories.

Camera Hawaii
"The Queen's Hospital operates one of the busiest emergency
facilities in the Territory," according to the caption with this photo,
which ran in June 1953. "In 1952, it handled 6,922 cases, principally
accidents requiring the taking of stitches. Head injuries were high
on this list with 409 treated; 1,054 cases passed through for
admission to the hospital without emergency treatment; 158 casts
were applied; 1,356 X-rays were made. Of 3,491 private cases
examined, 1,402 were admitted." Hospital employees aiding a
patient are, from left, attendant Moises Petonio, attendant
Felipe Caninin and nurse Frances Ekar.

By Dennis Oda, Star-Bulletin
In 1999, the emergency room at the Queen's Medical Center
handled 31,359 cases, and 8,858 were admitted for further treatment.
The center now concentrates in four areas: trauma, psychiatry,
emergency and convenience care. Construction of Queen's
new 25,000-square-foot emergency room was completed
last November. The new $14 million ER has the
capacity to serve 33,000 patients a year.
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