'DOCTOR" Ikaika Kahoano or boy-band singer Ikaika, that's the problem that faced the young island lad who was a key player in ABC-TV's "Making the Band." We don't want to spoil any surprises the show may have, Ikaika faces future
but the son of entertainer Kimo Kahoano will be the featured element in the episode airing here Sunday from 2 to 3 p.m., thanks to pre-emptions. While the show hasn't inspired the mania brought on by CBS's "Survivor," much of the interest revolves around Ikaika and what he wants to do with his life ... And while we're on the subject, Gervase, the latest evictee from the "Survivor" island, was believed by many to be the ultimate winner of the $1 million. Some Web techie detected a glitz in the CBS Web site that failed to show an "X" on the basketball coach's photo, something all the others had. Now it's back to square one, though my money's on Sue, the highly unlikeable truck driver who Gervase told CBS's Bryant Gumbel yesterday was the only one of the 16 he didn't like or get along with. Personally, she'd have been the first I'd have voted to dump ...
Rent agreement
IT doesn't happen all the time, but I found much of what I most appreciated in the touring company of "Rent," playing through Aug. 13 at the Concert Hall, were the same things critic John Berger liked. I especially admired Mark Ford as Tom Collins, who managed to light up the stage with his smile even when life around him was in AIDS-inflicted tatters. His flamboyant drag queen inamorata was played by Shaun Earl, who was alternately full of fun and pathos. And who couldn't love Erin Keaney, who'd left her love relationship with the leading man to enter a lesbian affair? I haven't seen this much energy on any stage in years. Jonathan Larson's reworking of "La Boheme" into the "The '90s Bohemians" was one of those genius notions few people are blessed to have ...THAT was former Gov. John Waihee waiting in line for rice at Zippy's and not Gov. Ben Cayetano as reported here ...
COLUMNIST Charlie Memminger submitted his screenplay, " 'fly," in the Laughing Horse screenplay competition in Seattle and it won first place. Laughing Horse is the movie company whose current projects include "The Actor" by Pulitzer winner Jason Miller and "The Troublemakers" with Shelly Berman, Don Adams and Don Knotts. The same screenplay is also one of 44 out of 522 submitted scripts named semi-finalists in the Maui Writers Conference screenwriting competition, the winner to be announced in a few weeks. " 'fly" is about an over-the-hill newspaper columnist with a drinking problem who discovers a swimming prodigy and a murder mystery. He assures me it's not autobiographical ...
Bravo Mavro
NONE of the chefs participating in the 11th annual Maui Onion Festival at Kaanapali tomorrow will feel quite as at home as George Mavrothalassitis. Chef Mavro, according to his wife, Donna Jung, not only insists on Maui onions (and ONLY Maui onions) at his Mavro restaurant, but also at home. Says Chef Mavro, "Zaire can bee no cook-ing weezout oh-nions!" The Chef's Dinner tomorrow night at Whaler's Village is $100, a benefit for Hawaii Nature Conservancy. It will feature onion dishes prepared by chefs Peter Merriman, Bobby Masters, Russell Siu, Chai Chaowasaree and Glen Chu ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com