SOME traditions go by the boards, but others remain. While the UH football team no longer calls itself the Rainbows, Don Murphy continues to foot the tab for the "Pigskin Pigout," the fund- Rainbow bows
but pigout staysraiser for the team's training table, to be held Thursday in Murphy's Bar & Grill. It'll also spill over onto Merchant Street, which is being closed to display more than 100 items of silent auction merchandise. Inside, auctioneer Marty McClain will take live bids on resort and merchandise packages -- many from pro sports franchises -- plus golf outings and you name it. There will be silent auction merchandise as well. Entry to the "Pigout" is $100 (checks made out to Na Koa), with all monies going to coach June Jones and the team. Should be a great idea to stock up on the new "H-Power" logo to replace all the Rainbow items that'll go into closets for future collectibles shows. Murphy's fund-raising has increased incrementally from $39,000 in '96 to $75,000 last year. This year's goal: $100,000. And, as usual, Murphy is donating all the heavy pupus and cocktails. Mark it on your calendar ... One person spotted in the UH campus bookstore the day after the new logo was unveiled, was Gov. Ben Cayetano, picking out some T-shirts for himself and to take to some friends on a coming trip to the East Coast ... Also spotted with a new "H" shirt was Star-Bulletin publisher John Flanagan ...
Movin' on
THIS has certainly been a year of transitions in the local TV news business. Anchors have come and gone and others switched stations. Jill Kuramoto and Kim Gennaula have become engaged, the latter to KHNL weatherman Guy Hagi. Kim's now anchoring the late news on KGMB, so she shouldn't be too weathered out. Howard Dashefsky and his bride, Daynin Allosada are going their separate ways. Jim Mendoza is taking over the anchor slot on KGMB held by Russell Shimooka, who's still deciding whether to accept a role as reporter. And now, just out, Mahealani Richardson has tendered her resignation at Channel 9, and will become a reporter at KGW in Portland, Oregon. Our loss is their gain. But stay tuned, you never know when the next card will be played ...WHILE we're on the subject of TV hostesses, Brooke Alexander, the Kailua lass who's been in New York for the past dozen or so years, is in town taking a break from hosting CNN's "World Beat." The other day she beat a path to Don Ho's Island Grill to catch up on the latest from old pal, manager Henry Ayau, and to sample some island kaukau ...
Thirtysomethings unite
THE Kahala Mall is celebrating its 30th birthday Aug. 12, though it hardly resembles its roots. But come to think of it, not many people do, either. The hostess of BDTV (Beauty & Diversity) on Oceanic Cable, Emily Lopez, is saying goodbye to 30 this week, but then 31 isn't all that old, especially when you look about 20 ... That landmark birthday comes for architect and designer Diane Brusin on Saturday. I'm not saying she's resisting it, but when asked, "So you're 30, huh?" she responded, "No, I'm 29.95." She owns the Griffin Group, named for the ceremonial faces on the facades of buildings. "We could have called it the Gargoyle Group," she deadpanned, "but then people would think we sold mouthwash." Bright in every sense of the word ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com