Free health screenings, entertainment and prizes will be featured at the seventh annual Ke Ola Mamo Health Fair tomorrow at Windward Mall. Free screenings, entertainment
at Windward health fairMore than 35 organizations will participate in the activities from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Screenings will be done for high blood pressure, alcoholism, kidney problems, stroke, vision, osteoporosis and hearing. No doctor referrals are needed.
Traditional Hawaiian healing methods such as ho'oponopono, lomilomi and la'aulapa'au will be described.
Frank DeLima, the Waimanalo Seniors, Keiki Palaka, 41-Dash and the "As Is" bands will perform.
For information, call 239-8661.
Monk seal pup born on busy Kauai beach
POIPU, Kauai -- A monk seal pup was born yesterday on one of the most popular tourist beaches on Kauai and the Kauai Monk Seal Watch is looking for volunteers to help keep curious visitors away from it.Barbara Frazier said the mother gave birth in front of the lifeguard station at the keiki beach at Poipu Beach Park.
Only four monk seals are known to have been born on Kauai in the past decade. None survived.
The most recent was two years ago at the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility. The pup later was found dead.
Frazier is asking for volunteers for an around-the-clock watch of the new pup.
Call her at (808) 635-7901.
GOP: State publication boosting Democrats
State House Republicans have accused Gov. Ben Cayetano of using an official state publication, "Imi Loa," to feature certain Democratic legislators who, the Republicans say, are facing serious challenges in the fall elections.Members of the Republican Caucus have filed formal complaints, asking the State Ethics Commission, Campaign Spending Commission and the Media Council to investigate.
"Passing good legislation is a bipartisan effort," Rep. Cynthia Thielen (R, Kailua) said. " 'Imi Loa' totally ignores the contributions of Republicans and other Democrats, while highlighting a few Democrats as responsible for the successful passage of certain legislation.
The Republicans didn't name the Democrats they believe to be receiving favorable treatment.
Police are accepting leftover fireworks
People who have fireworks left over from the Fourth of July can dispose of it by giving it to police.The Honolulu Police Department is accepting fireworks at all its stations on the island for proper disposal through July 31.
Police are urging people to turn in the fireworks instead of soaking them in water. The department said no questions will be asked.
Police Chief Lee Donohue said the longer fireworks are stored, the more unstable they become.
Clinton won't stop here to and from Asia
Both President Clinton and Defense Secretary William Cohen will bypass the islands this month on their way to Asia.Cohen will leave Washington on Monday for Beijing and fly directly from Australia to the mainland on July 17 on his return.
Two days later, Clinton will leave for Japan to attend the Group of Eight summit in Okinawa July 21.
The White House said the president's plane will refuel in Alaska, skipping Hawaii going over and returning.
Susan Morita is the owner of the ceramic painting business Paint It Your Way. An article Tuesday in Hawaii Inc. had an incorrect last name.
Hugh Yoshida, University of Hawaii athletics director, said a new logo scheme for the athletics program will be unveiled later this month or in August, not a new mascot as was reported in a story yesterday.
In some copies of yesterday's final edition, the last line of a story about a building formerly owned by Judge David L. Fong's wife, Connie Yon Fong, was omitted. The last sentence should have read:
Judge Fong said later that the three-year delay in reporting was justified because "we didn't actually acquire title until we satisfied the agreement of sale in 1994."
Police, Fire, Courts
By Star-Bulletin staffHonolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
Firefighters extinguish Kualoa park brush fire
Fire crews battled a brush fire at Kualoa Regional Park this morning.Four companies had the 1:41 a.m. blaze under control at 2:25 a.m., fire officials said. It was extinguished at about 3:31 a.m.
The fire closed a portion of Kamehameha Highway, but traffic was light at that time, police said.
Kailua student arrested; firecracker bomb found
A student at Kailua Intermediate School was arrested yesterday for reportedly bringing a firecracker bomb to school last week.A teacher found the plastic device, filled with firecracker powder, in the boy's possession on June 30, police said.
He denied ownership of the device, but other students said he intended to detonate it after school on the athletic field.
The arrest was made after the case was reported yesterday.
Navy rescues Transpac sailor northeast of Oahu
A Navy frigate has picked up a sailor who abandoned his 33-foot sailboat about 300 miles northeast of Oahu yesterday.A Coast Guard C-130 airplane spotted David Bennett, who was sailing in the 2000 Single Handed Transpacific Yacht Race.
The sailboat, The Space Cowboy from San Leandro, Calif., left San Francisco on June 24, bound for Hanalei Bay in Kauai.
Kulani escapee caught near Hilo after 2 months
HILO -- A Kulani prison escapee who had been loose nearly two months was recaptured yesterday without incident, police said.Acting on a tip, officers arrested Charles Sadino, 42, at a house in Ainaloa subdivision south of Hilo at 6:07 a.m.
Sadino, also known as Alika Kahikina, escaped from the remote but unwalled prison May 14.
Following yesterday's arrest he was held without bail at the police cellblock in Hilo.
Police ask public's help in finding bank robber
Police have released a sketch of a man who robbed the Liliha Branch of First Hawaiian Bank on Wednesday and are asking the public for help in catching him.
The masked suspect told a teller he had a bomb and demanded money.
He fled and was last seen near Honolulu Community College.
The device turned out to be fake.
The suspect is described as in his early 30s, about 5 feet 10 inches tall, with an average build and short, dark hair.
He has a tattoo of a red and blue butterfly on his left ankle and is missing part of the top of one ear.
The courts
State to examine murder suspect for insanity
A state judge has granted the state's request to have their expert examine Michael Robert Lawrence, who awaits trial for second-degree murder in the death of a vacuum cleaner salesman.The state has hired psychologist Harold Hall to determine whether Lawrence was insane at the time, said deputy prosecutor Kevin Takata.
The defense has notified the court that it expects to raise the insanity defense at trial.
Lawrence, 23, is accused of killing Melchor Tabag, 41, of Kaneohe.
Tabag apparently was last seen alive on March 27, 1999 giving a vacuum cleaner demonstration at Lawrence's Waialua home.
Lawrence is set for trial in October.
Accused killer of Waikiki man denied release
A state judge denied a murder suspect's request to be placed on supervised release while awaiting trial.Kennard Montez is charged with beating and strangling Henry Paoa, 48, to death at his Waikiki apartment in April. His trial is set to begin July 31.
Deputy Prosector Jeff Albert said a pretrial services report shows a pattern of criminal conduct by Montez's family, including Montez, who was charged with severely beating a brother-in-law in Texas. Honolulu police homicide detectives would testify that Paoa's beating was a one of the most brutal they have seen, Albert said.
The immediate cause of death, however, was that Paoa was strangled essentially until "Paoa's eyes popped out," Albert said.
Deputy public defender Todd Eddins argued that Montez is a danger only to people who attack his family and who attack him in his own apartment. Montez apparently was involved in a fight with his allegedly abusive brother-in-law after the man tracked down Montez' sister, who was staying with her brother at the time.
Two more plead guilty to illegal gambling charges
Two men have pleaded guilty to federal charges of conducting an illegal gambling operation and conspiring with five others to conduct illegal activities from a Maui Department of Accounting and General Services office.Kenneth "Beep Beep" Ogata, a building construction inspector, and Gordon Carl "Kuni" Cockett, yesterday joined two other men who have pleaded guilty in the past two weeks to identical charges, including failure to pay a wagering tax.
That leaves codefendants Francis "Moody" Kahoohalahala, state repairs and maintenance assistant and the alleged ringleader; Shigeru Sano, an engineering program manager; and Sunao "Suna" Takamiya, former president of Maui Beverage and Supply, to face trial on Aug. 1 before Judge Alan C. Kay.
William "Billy" Bettis pleaded guilty on Wednesday and Alan "Mango" Murakami, a building construction inspector, pleaded guilty on June 30.
Murakami is the only one to reach a plea agreement with the government. He agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy and failure to pay a wagering tax -- a petty misdemeanor punishable by fines from $1,000 to $5,000 -- and cooperate with the government's investigation.
The seven men were indicted a year ago for accepting wagers on college and professional football games during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 seasons using point-spread sheets prepared by a group on Oahu.
Also charged on Oahu were Donald Morita, Melfred Lum and Richard Takaki.
Records that were seized show that during one two-day period, 332 wagers were made totaling more than $65,000.
The gambling and conspiracy counts carry penalties of up to five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.