Construction to start on
wharves at Pearl HarborSPECIAL; Marine landing at Bellows
By Gregg K. Kakesako
Star-BulletinWork is expected to begin this fall on a nearly $22 million contract awarded to Healy Tibbitts Builders to construct new wharves at Pearl Harbor.
The project, which is expected to be completed by July 2002, includes demolition of existing ship berths.
U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye reports that Hawaii stands to receive more than $710 million in proposed military spending next year in the Senate's version of the Department of Defense appropriation bill for 2000.
Inouye said the largest chunk of the proposed spending is set aside for Kauai's Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands. That Navy facility could see as much as $124 million if the Senate's version of the spending bill prevails in conference committee sessions with the U.S. House later this year.
Inouye said the Senate spending increases the president's request for Barking Sands operations by more that $20 million, bringing the amount to $54.5 million. Besides operations, the allocation would be used to repair, operate and maintain flood control and water systems.
On Maui, Inouye said the Senate added $15 million for the operations of the Maui Space Surveillance System. The administration had requested $4.6 million.
The Vietnam Veterans of America (Oahu) meets on the first Saturday of each month.
Membership is open to anyone who served in the Armed Forces between Jan. 1, 1959 - May 7, 1975. Those who share the concerns of Vietnam veterans are invited to join as associate members.
For more information call 1-800-VVA-1316 or visit their Web site at For local information call 566-0236 or email at
Moving Up
Honolulu Army Recruiting: Maj. Mike Moroney has assumed command of the U.S. Army Recruiting Company from Maj. Robert E. Lee Jr.
Schofield Barracks: Col. James Kelley, chief of staff for the 25th Infantry Division, has been nominated for promotion to brigadier general.
Makalapa: Rear Adm. Donald Kirkland, deputy director for operations at the National Command Center, has been appointed deputy chief of staff for the Pacific Fleet.
Schofield Barracks: Col. Rodney Anderson has assumed command of the 25th Infantry Division Artillery Brigade from Col. Jose Riojas.
Schofield Barracks: Lt. Col. Michael Warburton has assumed command of the 25th Infantry Division's Oahu Base Support Battalion from Lt. Col. W. Scott Crawford. In December 1998, the Schofield Barracks Base Support command and the Fort Shafter Community command were merged to form the Oahu Base Support Battalion.
Camp Smith: Brig. Gen. Raymond Johns will replace Brig. Gen. Christopher Kelly as Pacific Command's deputy director for strategic planning and policy. Kelly will become vice commander of the 15th Air Force at Travis Air Force Base in California.