ONE of Honolulu's best actresses, Elissa Dulce, has been cast as Stacy Kamano's mother in a recurring role on the new "Baywatch Hawaii." Her husband, and Stacy's dad, is being portrayed by comic actor Pat Morita. It's a reuniting of Elissa and Pat, since both appeared in Dulce and Morita reunite
Joe Moore's first film, "Goodbye, Paradise." Dulce is also returning to recreate her role in a new production of "The Joy Luck Club" at Kumu Kahua. Some of those from the original cast of the very successful production will be returning and some had to be recast. Harry Wong will direct the new version ... Former isle resident Martha Romaine Westman, who was here to do makeup on the TV movie about Doris Duke, will be working on another CBS mini-series. Called "American Tragedy," it deals with the O.J. Simpson trial and will feature Ving Rhames, Christopher Plummer and Ron Silver ... Meanwhile, Martha's husband, director Jim Westman, is hoping to use his experience with "Five-O" and "Magnum" to hook up with April Masini's proposed "Hawaiian Tropic Undercover" and helm some episodes ...
Neil, Beil and the Real Deal
ONE of those taking part in the surprise aloha party for KGMB sports reporter Neil Everett, who's joining ESPN in Bristol, Conn., was Joe Anthony. Neil will be joining another ex-Isle announcer, Larry Beil, at the sports network, and now he knows one of the people he'll be answering to is Anthony's son, Steve Anthony, an ESPN director for five years and a producer for 10 years before that. Anthony has won four Emmys for his work in telling Chris Berman and the rest of the guys at Sportscenter what to do next ...WHEN he last left Hawaii, he was heard to say, "I'll be Bach," or something like that. And sure enough, Arnold Schwartzenegger flies in Friday to co-produce with localite Mits Kawashima the Mr. Hawaiian Islands Body Building Championship. Arnold has been involved with Mits and the contest for years, long before he became a superstar, married Maria Schriver and fathered four kids. The championships will be Saturday at the Blaisdell Concert Hall ...
THE former Vice Consul of Italy in Hawaii, Guido Salmaggi, spends the bulk of his time at his wife's Sarasota, Fla., home these days, but still manages to keep his Hawaii connections when he can. For example, on Sunday Tom Selleck will be in Sarasota at a fund-raising preview screening of "Crossfire Trail," a film version of a Louis L'Amour novel that'll air on TNT and probably drive anti-gun agitator Rosie O'Donnell into a dither. Salmaggi plans to meet with Selleck at the function and invite him home for an Italian dinner. Guido is also flying back to Hawaii June 29 and will sing the National Anthem at the Pearl Harbor celebration July 4 and earlier at the Outrigger's MacFarlane Regatta on the beach at 8 a.m. ...
Vintners of Oz
WINE lovers attending the annual "Taste of Honolulu" on the Honolulu Civic Center grounds regularly find their way to R. Field's Wine Tasting Centre. This year the wines of Australia are being featured along with a seminar by Aussie winemaker Melissa Bates. Small wonder that model Kona Carmack also will appear (along with actor Mario Lopez) in a "Ready, Set, Cook" competition Saturday night. Carmack's mother, Billie Gabriel-Zito works for Easter Seals, which benefits from the event. The "Taste" will take place Friday through Sunday near City Hall ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com