Wood Craft
HONOLULU SYMPHONY Board Secretary Carolyn Berry, one of the orchestra's biggest supporters, is hosting a luncheon and a dinner next week to say aloha to departing Symphony Executive Director Michael Tiknis and Carolyn receives
slam-dunk praisehis wife, Sharon. "It is not an exaggeration to say (the Symphony) would not be here without the support of Carolyn and the late George Berry," Tiknis said. "Carolyn deeply believes in the importance of the arts in the lives of all the members of the community. She is one of the great ladies of Hawaii and our country." Carolyn is also a strong backer of UH basketball. Coach Riley Wallace and his wife, Joan, are usually in her party at pops concerts at the Waikiki Shell, along with the Tiknises, Jimmy and Vicky Borges, Jim Nabors and UH Prez Ken and Lorraine Mortimer. "She and George have been so involved with the culture, arts and education of Hawaii," Jimmy said. Mortimer said, "She's a good friend of the university and has been an ardent supporter of our basketball team. She's a gracious lady and a delightful person to know" ...
Carolyn has endowed UH basketball scholarships in the name of her dad, Cecil H. Withrow, and her husband. "My dad took me to basketball games when I was a girl in South Charleston, West Virginia," Carolyn said. "I took my husband kicking and screaming to his first UH game" and he was hooked, she said. "She's an angel," coach Wallace said of Carolyn. "Not only is she very generous on the financial side, she's a loving kind of person that you can actually call your friend." Says Nabors, "Carolyn is one of those rare people that not only gives money but gives herself completely. She's a great human being." Carolyn appreciates the praise but says she always tells Nabors that "I'm just a simple girl from West Virginia. He always says, 'Suuure you are' " ...
Kusatsu fakes an accent
Hawaii's Clyde Kusatsu, who pops up on many network TV shows, was on "Ally McBeal" Monday night, portraying a doctor who spoke fractured English with a Japanese accent. Clyde, an Iolani graduate, speaks perfect English. His cousin, Gregg Kakesako, a Star-Bulletin reporter, will attest to that ... Speaking of TV, "Malcolm in the Middle" on KHON Sunday nights is funny. It ranks right up there with "Will and Grace" and "Frasier" in my book ..."Readings & Ruminations of Nana Veary" will take place tomorrow, 1 to 3 p.m. at Native Books & Beautiful Things at Ward Warehouse. Family and friends of the late Veary will be on hand to read favorite passages from her book, "Change We Must," reprinted by the Institute of Zen Studies ... Partners for a Cure golf tournament, a benefit for the American Diabetes Association, Hawaii Area, will be played June 15 at Hickam's Mamala Bay course. Call 947-5979 ...
Uli Cutter plans to cut a rug
Happy Birthday to Uli Cutter, who turns another year older today. "Stop at 29," says a laughing Uli, who has been taking cha cha lessons. She plans to burn up the Zanzibar dance floor with about 30 friends at her party tomorrow night. Melissa Short will attend Uli's bash. She and Larry Paxton are starring in "Phantom" at Diamond Head Theatre, playing May 19 to June 4. John Rampage directs and choreographs ... Don't forget Roberta Flack at Waikiki Shell tonight with Matt Catingub and the Symphony at 7, and Peter Rockford Espiritu's Tau Dance Theater is at the Blaisdell Concert Hall tonight at 7:30 ...
Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin in the streets
of downtown Honolulu during World War II, writes of
people, places and things every Saturday.
E-mail him at bwood@starbulletin.com