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Island Images

Wednesday, May 3, 2000

Order on the Net!

By Kathryn Bender, Star-Bulletin
To mark Law Week, Kaimuki High School students
participate in an Internet chat yesterday with Family
Court Judge Karen Radius. Here, ninth-grade history
students learn about the juvenile justice system. They
are, from left, Nalani Nunes, Kyna-Haley Chu, Ashley
Gandauli, Shaun Kiyabu, Charles Toratani and Chad Kam.
Hmmm, is THAT
how you spell it?

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Satoru Sakamoto, Hawaii's only caricaturist in Katakana,
creates Kalani High School student Brett Yoshimoto's face
with his name in Katakana during today's 15th biannual
Japan Day, sponsored by the Japan-American Society of
Hawaii and staged at Tokai University.
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