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Friday, April 28, 2000

Lorin Tar Gill Award
winners announced
Vivian L. Thompson's short story "Umi, Ruling Chief," has won first place in the fiction category of the Lorin Tarr Gill writing competition.
The awards are presented by the National League of American Pen Women, Honolulu branch.
Other winners were:
Fiction, second place, Catherine A. Lee, "Healing;" third, E. Shan Correa, "A Time to Die;" honorable mention, Dorothy Winslow Wright, "No Loose Ends."
Non-fiction, first place, Frances Viglielmo, "Bearing Teddy Away;" honorable mentions, Jhoanna Calma, "Love in Some Shape Or Form;" Catherine Lee, "Of Battles Past," and Louis & Carleton Rehr, "Memoir of a Journey."
Poetry, first place, Jolie Zimmermann, "Chin Wah Chun, Let in the Sun;" John E. Simonds, "Backwoods Barking;" third place, Marie Riley, "Maya;" honorable mentions, Sandra Krawciw, "A Time to Let Go;" and Mary Richards, "My Dance."
The league supports emerging writers through its chapters nationwide.
Isle Pages
THIS listing of new books about Hawaii or by Hawaii writers is published on the last Friday of each month.
"Three Whales Who Won The Heart of The World": by Suzanne Kita, 39 pages, Island Heritage, hardcover
An illustrated book written in both English and Japanese tells the tale of three whales and a little Hawaiian girl and a Yupik Eskimo boy who love them. The whole world becomes involved in the plight of the whales trapped under ice in the Arctic Ocean.
"Change We Must: My Spiritual Journey": By Nana Veary (Institute for Zen Studies), 120 pages, hardcover
Nana Veary (1908-1993) grew up in Palama, reared by Hawaiian elders in an environment where all aspects of life were rooted in nature and the law of Hawaiian cosmology that acknowledges "the divinity within all things and people."
That message permeates this book as Veary uses anecdotes about family members' poor finances, lapses in responsibility, choice of abode and clothing to further the notions that change is inevitable and good, prosperity is a state of mind and creativity leads to opportunity.
Veary has proved to be a woman ahead of her time. She wrote this before the self-improvement industry spawned life coaches.
This book, originally published in 1989, has been reprinted with the backing of several local foundations.
"Waiting for Odysseus": By Clemence McLaren (Atheneum Books for Young Readers), 150 pages, hardcover, $16
Hawaii author Clemence McLaren reimagines "The Odyssey" from the standpoint of women.
This retelling of the epic tale is geared toward youths, ages 12 and up, and gives voice to five women characters: Penelope, the clever wife Odysseus left behind; Helen, the great beauty who sparked the Trojan War; Athena, goddess and protector of heroes; the sea witch Circe; and Eurycleia, Odysseus' nursemaid and servant.
McLaren, who teaches at Kamehameha Schools, wrote the book out of interest "in the voices of the silenced, the common people hidden in history." He wondered why the women in "The Odyssey" were silent, why Penelope remained faithful to the wandering Odysseus for so long and whether Helen reveled in her beauty.
The story is told from Penelope's perspective, the characters come to life as she observes them and weighs their motives. Beyond offering a second point of entry to a classic work, it shows that there are at least two sides to a story.
Read All About It
Read All About It presents news and notices about Hawaii's literary scene. Send items - at least two weeks in advance of publication date - to Read All About It, P.O. Box 3080, Honolulu, Hawaii 96802.
Keiki Storytime
Barnes & Noble: 10 a.m. Mondays and Wednesdays; 7 p.m. Fridays; and noon Saturdays and Sundays. Call 737-3323.
Borders Waikele, 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Saturdays. Call 676-6699.
Borders Ward Centre, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays and 11 a.m. Saturdays. Call 591-8995.
Hawaii State Library, 10:30-11 a.m. Saturdays. Call 586-3510.
Fran Hamilton
Signing of her new book, "Hands-On-English."
2 p.m. tomorrow, Borders Ward Centre, 596-8194.
Noon, Sunday, Borders Waikele, 676-7820.
David Penhallow
Barnes & Noble, 737-3323
3 p.m. tomorrow. Signs "After the Ball."
John F. MCgrady
Signing his new book, "Sailing the Dream":
Native Books & Beautiful Things, Ward Warehouse, 3-5 p.m. tomorrow.
Barnes & Noble, Kahala Mall, 3-4 p.m. May 6.
David Eyre
Borders Waikele, 676-7820
Noon May 6. Signs "By Wind, By Wave."
Alan Houghton
Mark's Hallmark, Pearlridge, 487-8383
2 p.m. May 6. Signs "Heartbeat of Hawaii."
"Electric Laulau"
Borders Ward Centre, 591-8995
4 p.m. tomorrow. Joe Balaz, author of "Electric Laulau," A CD of local literature conducts readings and workshops.
"Makana Akamai"
Friends of the Library needs book donations to help the library's book budget. Call for a brochure listing of books wanted. The books listed are selected by the library staff to expand the library's collection and provide requested materials. Books may be donated to a favorite library.
African American Literary Book Group
1132 Bishop St., Suite 1404; 528-5037
Group discusses African literature, 6:30-8:30 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of every month. Call to confirm attendance and book title.
Crafts and stories
Barnes and Noble; 737-3323
Meets 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Literature Readers Group
Borders, Ward Centre; 591-8995
Meets 7 p.m. second Tuesday of each month. "Angela's Ashes," May 9; and "A Personal Matter," June 13.
Online Fun
(212) 414-6157
Barnes and Noble author chat group at www.barnesandnoble.com or on America Online (keyword: bn). Call Elke Villa or e-mail her at evilla@bn.com.
Romance Writers Of America, Aloha Chapter
Aina Haina Library; 739-7722
10 a.m. May 6. Call Sally Sorenson for more information.
Writers Support Group
Borders Waikele; 676-6699
Meets 3 p.m. first Friday of each month.
Local Best Sellers
1. "Hawaiian Flowers Cut-Out Paper Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (1)
2. "Hawaiian Marine Life Color & Activity Book," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (2)
3. "Limu -- The Blue Turtle," Kimo Armitage, Island Heritage (5)
4. "Golden Children of Hawaii Cut-Out Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage (3)
5. "Baby Honu's Incredible Journey," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage (6)
6. "Goodnight Gecko," Gill McBarnet, Ruwanga Trading
7. "Baby Honu Saves The Day," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage (4)
8. "ABC's of Hawaii," Asta & Donovan, Island Heritage (9)
9. "Fishes of Hawaii," Susan & Thomas Kelly, The Bess Press (7)
10. "Keiki Counting," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage (8)
1. "Ultimate Kauai Guidebook, 3rd Edition," Andrew Doughty and Harriet Friedman, Wizard Publications
2. "Unbearably Good! Mochi Lovers Cookbook," Teresa Devirglio-Lam
3. "Travelogue Maui," Steven Goldsberry, Mutual Publishing (3)
4. "Pidgin To Da Max," Douglas Simonson, Bess Press
5. "Sunday in Hawaii," Steven Goldsberry, Mutual
6. "Ohana Style Cookbook," St. Francis Medical Center, Island Heritage
7. "Maui on My Mind," Rita Ariyoshi, Mutual (1)
8. "From the Skies-Maui," Tom Stevens, Mutual (2)
9. "Hawaii," Douglas Peebles, Mutual (8)
10. "Discover Kauai," Stu Dawrs, Island Heritage
1. "By Wind, By Wave," David L. Eyre, Bess Press
2. "Obake: Ghost Stories In Hawaii," Glen Grant, Mutual
3. "Hawaiian Journey," Joseph Mullins, Mutual (1)
4. "Obake Files," Glen Grant, Mutual (3)
5. "New Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary," Mary Kawena Pukui et al., UH Press (6)
6. "Hawaiian Quilt, Spiritual Experience," Poakalani & John Serrao, Mutual
7. "Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English and English-Hawaiian," Mary Kawena Pukui & Samuel H. Elbert, UH Press (9)
8. "Hawaiian Names," English Names, Eileen Root, Press Pacifica
9. "Driving & Discovering Maui & Molokai," Richard Sullivan, Island Heritage
10. "Ancient Sites of Hawaii," Van James, Mutual
1. "Ancient Hawaiian Civilization," Glen Grant, Mutual
2. "The Tattoo," Chris McKinney, Mutual
3. "Hawaiian Legends of Volcanoes," William D. Westervelt, Mutual
4. "Kauai Reader," Chris Cook, Mutual
5. "Golden Cloak," Antoinette Withington, Mutual
6. "Water of Kane," Ozzie Bushnell, Mutual
7. "Myths and Legends of Hawaii," W. D. Westervelt, Mutual
8. "Mark Twain In Hawaii," Mark Twain, Mutual (1)
9. "Fornander's Ancient History," Abraham Fornander, Mutual
10. "Hawaiian Reader," A. Grove Day, Mutual
1. "Hawaiian Lei Making Step-by-Step Guide," Laurie Shimizu Ide, Mutual
2. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Trees and Shrubs," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual (3)
3. "Pocket Guide To Hawaii's Flowers," Leland Miyano, Mutual (2)
4. "Things Hawaiian -- Guide To Language," Albert Schutz, Island Heritage (9)
5. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. I I," Poakalani & Serrao, Mutual (5)
6. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. I," Poakalani & Serrao, Mutual (7)
7. "Hawaii's Birds," Hawaii Audobon Society, Island Heritage (10)
8. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Birds," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual(1)
9. "Handy Hawaiian Dictionary," John F. G. Stokes, Mary Kawena Pukui, Henry P. Judd, Mutual
10. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Underwater Paradise," John Hoover, Mutual (4)
These are best-selling books in Hawaii during March 2000. Numbers in parentheses indicate previous rank

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