CHEF D.K. Kodama has been in the throes of getting his Sansei Seafood Restaurant & Sushi Bar in Restaurant Row ready for a preview luncheon and hard hat tour today. But while he's been up to the gills with last minute preparations, Sansei opening
to aid Kuakinihis mom, Sandy Kodama, has been in Kochi, Japan, for celebrations honoring her grandfather, the Rev. Takei Okumura. Some Hawaiian elders may be familiar with the reverend's name -- he came to Hawaii in 1894 at the age of 29. After the big Chinatown fire downtown, with a hospital desperately needed for Chinese and Japanese citizens, Okumura founded the Japanese Charity Hospital in 1900. In 1918 the named was changed to Kuakini Hospital. And when Sansei holds its grand opening party on May 9, the beneficiary will be Kuakini Medical Center ...
SPEAKING of fires, the big one in the Interstate Building on King Street forced many tenants to relocate, among them Dr. Dennis Momyer. He's moved his offices directly Diamond Head of the Interstate Building, and is once again in operation with what could be salvaged. One minor loss from water damage, but with sentimental value, a picture Dr. Momyer took of then Gov. Bill Clinton. Momyer notes that it should come as little surprise that Clinton was talking to a beautiful woman, Miss Arkansas, at the time the photo was taken ...
Klink goes the strength
LAST week, creative adman and nonstop computer whiz Paul Klink was klunked with a "minor" heart attack. It's in the genes. Though Klink is but 35, his father died at 39, as did his grandfather. His brother had his heart attack at 30, so Klink was hardly surprised. Though he hoped to get back to full strength, the president of Klink Inc. has reluctantly decided to turn over the presidency of his agency to his creative director, assume the chairmanship and limit his involvement to oversight and input where necessary. For a hyper type like Klink to slow down seems unimaginable, but as he puts it, "my home is on the beach, has an advanced high-speed internet connection and a Jacuzzi, so don't worry too much about me. I always joked about retiring at 35." ...WELL, we found out what Dallas Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith was doing in Pearl City recently. He apparently was attending a bachelor party. On Saturday, Smith married Patricia Lawrence in Dallas. A former Miss Virginia, Lawrence was formerly married to actor-comedian Martin Lawrence, with whom she had a daughter ...
THERE were geeks before the Internet. Have you forgotten music geeks, guys who could tell you the Top 5 of any category you named? That's the basic plot of "High Fidelity" starring John Cusack, and between the music trivia and male folly in his relationships with women, it's a very funny movie. Great title, too. As one observer put it, it could be called "Records Hawaii." ...
Mummy dearest
IT'LL be like "Midnight at the Oasis" when fourth, fifth and sixth grade students participate in sleepover parties at the Academy of Arts on weekends in June and July. For $30, kids get snacks and breakfast, a late-night movie about Egypt plus a tour of the Egyptian antiquities in "Mystery of the Nile." In addition, the kids get to dress and "Walk Like an Egyptian" in a play about the country. Then, of course, they'll sleep like mummies overnight. Call the Academy at 532-3666 to sign up ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com