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Island Images

Friday, April 21, 2000

Flower power

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Department of Parks and Recreation crews installed
cascading flower baskets in the new, anti-crime, 'antique'
light fixtures along Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki yesterday
morning. As part of the city's beautification program,
most of the new light fixtures in Waikiki will be
adorned with these flower baskets.
Whats so good
about Friday?

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Participants in the "What's So Good About Friday?"
program at St. Andrew's Cathedral went through
the cathedral grounds today, re-enacting the Passion
Play. The event was designed to bring to life the
meaning of Good Friday by having all attendees
participate, using the reader's theater technique.
Tonight at 7:30 at the cathedral will be a
presentation of "Requiem" by Malcolm Archer.
Keep it local

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Kat Brady, assistant executive director of Life of the Land,
reads a governor's proclamation to the environmental group
during a 'Clean Energy' rally yesterday at the state Capitol.
Life of the Land joined other groups calling on legislators
to demand that electric utilities supply electricity from
local, renewable resources.
Piggyback after practice

By Dennis Oda, Star-Bulletin
At the end of practice for the Maryknoll high school
baseball team at the Sand Island baseball field, player
Reid Okaneku gives 3-year-old Kama Eldredge a lift
to the car. Kama is the son of the coach, Duane
Eldredge, who is following behind.
A heads up hit

By Craig T. Kojima Star-Bulletin
Jonathan Chun, a state senator, takes a swing today
at Rainbow Stadium as Legislature members take on
state administration people in a baseball game. That's
Rep. Brian Schatz behind him.
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