SOME surprises are more difficult to pull off than others. Take the one sprung on Jean E. Rolles and Larry Price at the Chaminade Alumni Reunion Sunday at the Halekulani. Rolles was being given the outstanding distinguished alumni award and Price was an honorary alumni inductee. Boy, what a surprise
When Honolulu Boy Choir exec director Blake Nuibe saw an ad for the festivities some time back, he volunteered the group to be surprise entertainment. Picture 60 parents dropping off their boys near the hotel, then bringing the 60 boys through Sheraton's loading dock, up the service elevators, through the kitchen and tucked into an adjacent meeting room until they surprised the entire audience with a kahiko chant and entrance. Rolles is chairperson of the board of directors for the Boy Choir and she was floored. Likewise, Price is a great fan and supporter of the choir. There were joyful tears as the boys performed, led by Dale Noble -- "chicken-skin" is how many described it. Mayor Jeremy Harris, looking somewhat boyish himself, presented the award to Rolles, and Stanley Hong did likewise for Price ...
GLANCING through the Summer Sessions 2000 UH Outreach College catalog, some interesting sounding courses jumped out. You might try signing up for "NICE at Night," "Beginning Streetdance" or "Human Gross Anatomy." Not necessarily in that order ... Darryl Slate, manager of the new Auntie Pasto's on Kapahulu, took it as a good omen when he glanced over the dining room the other night and saw winning UH football coach June Jones ...
Debt trap
TELEVISION public service announcements for Manoa Valley Theater's next production, "Deathtrap," should look professional since they're being overseen by MVT board member Jack Bates of Starr Seigle, aided by two of his employees, Ron Nakayama and Mark Renusch. They got a copy of the 1992 film starring Michael Caine and Christopher Reeve and then sought out all the gory implements of destruction that hung from the walls of the home of the lead character. Then off they went to the KHET studio, and it was a sight to see as they carried in swords, daggers, a mace, flint-lock pistol and revolvers. The two leads in the MVT production, Dwight Martin and Greg Howell, did the voice overs and when a bloodcurdling scream was called for, they all turned to p.r. woman Aubrey Hawk and she performed beautifully. "I just thought of my taxes," explained Hawk, "and one take was all it took." ...MEANWHILE, Lance Rae, who performs as Algernon in HPU's "The Importance of Being Earnest," found that he needed a pocket watch in the play and he appropriated the gold one passed down from his great-grandfather, James McRae, from the same time period, 1895 ...
One time to bet the amateurs
THERE'LL be a host of pros challenged by amateurs in a basketball game for charity Friday at Blaisdell Arena. You can bet the pros if you like, but these guys are all football players! Jerry Rice of the 49ers has put together an NFL all-star team hosted by the All Star Cafe with the likes of Roger Craig, J.J. Stokes, Jason Elam, Ray Crockett, Eric Wright and Fred Beazley. They'll take on a team made up of former UH basketball players Artie Wilson, Tim Shepherd, Micah Kroger, Kalia McGee, Chris Walz and Erin Galloway. Proceeds go to Easter Seals ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com