WHEN I read in the morning paper that nominees were in for "the 2000 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards," I assumed that's how many prizes were given out. Once again, we're nearing the local music industry's mutual admiration and back-patting society evening with a mere 122 people nominated for awards. That seems like it ought to include just about everyone who made a record in the past year, but I'm sure there are exceptions. In any case, the awards show will be televised live on K-5 starting, unwisely, at 8 p.m. If previous years are any indication, the Hokie, uh, Hoku Awards should still be going on with tearful (and endless) gratitude to all well past midnight ... Those who'd like a preview of some of the newer nominees can catch them on the rebroadcast of "Island Music, Island Hearts: The Next Generation," on KGMB-TV Sunday ... KGMB offers
Hoku preview
SHE may be an internationally acclaimed concert violinist, but Sarah Chang proved that for all her awards she's still a teenager. The 19-year old former child prodigy visited Iolani School with Maestro Samuel Wong and talked story with some 200 music students. She was asked what she thought of the Backstreet Boys and where she buys her concert wear, but the best response came when Chang was asked how many hours a day she practices. She admits that since she's been in Hawaii, her practice schedule had suffered due to surfing lessons in Waikiki and snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. The Iolani kids identified with Chang, and applauded lustily ...
This ain't the beach, baby
AFTER visiting the Royal Mausoleum with Hawaiiana expert Dr. George Kanahele, "Baywatch Hawaii" producer Greg Bonann sent his group of writers back to their Hawaii Film Studio desks and proceeded to the Oahu Country Club for lunch with his publicist, Kristin McKentee and Kanahele. A bit of a clubby hubbub ensued when they reached the dining room, as Bonann, who's "gone local," was wearing shorts and was nearly denied entrance. A compromise was reached and he was allowed to eat there as long as McKentee got his lunch from the buffet line. Asked Bonann, "Are my legs really that unsightly?" ...WHEN Wayne Newton did his Vegas-style show with the Honolulu Symphony Pops Orchestra, he recognize various people in attendance -- Jim Nabors, Jimmy Borges and Gov. Ben Cayetano, which he pronounced "Sigh-a-tano." Not taking any more chances, when he got to guest star Amy Hanaiali'i Gilliom, he wisely left out her middle name ... Instead of just accepting the fact they'd been shut out from hearing their beloved Boston Red Sox games, longtime friends and baseball fanatics Jim Loomis and Phil Kinnicutt found a solution. They learned that the Sox had added live radio coverage to their Web site this year, so they can hear the game over their computer and work simultaneously ...
Moo-ving right along
WE don't want to milk this to death, but Saturday has a Milky Way look to it. At 10 a.m., 28 one-passenger boats made from Meadow Gold and/or Viva milk cartons will race in waters off McCoy Pavilion at Ala Moana Park. And after that, cowhands Michael W. Perry and Larry Price will board the Lani Moo Mobile, a trolley with a cow motif, and mosey to Ward Warehouse where they'll hand out Meadow Gold ice cream treats to those who make a food donation to the Hawaii FoodBank from noon to 1:30 p.m. ...
Dave Donnelly has been writing on happenings
in Hawaii for the Star-Bulletin since 1968.
His columns run Monday through Friday.Contact Dave by e-mail: ddonnelly@starbulletin.com