Island Images

Saturday, April 8, 2000

Caring bears

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Rhyce Bantolina, 6, and her mother, Roberta, help collect
teddy bears today at Ala Moana Center. The third annual
teddy bear roundup, "Show you care -- Share a bear,"
kicks off a monthlong series of educational events to
observe Child Abuse Prevention Month. Prevent Child
Abuse Hawaii set a goal of 2,234 teddy bears to match
the number of confirmed reports of child abuse in
the islands last year.
New toys to
bring new joys

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Kayla Uchida, 3, tries out the slide at Kalama Valley
Community Park, part of a batch of new playground
equipment. Ceremonies tomorrow will dedicate
equipment here and at two other East Honolulu
parks: Kamilo Iki and Hahaione Valley.

By Craig T. Kojima, Star-Bulletin
Artist Viliami Toluta'u drapes a maile lei over "Kahiau I
Ka wai ola" during a dedication of the statue yesterday at
Kamaile Elementary School in Waianae. Behind him
is Principal Alvin Aihara.
An invitation
to litterbugs

By Ken Sakamoto, Star-Bulletin
Litterbugs ignore the "do not dump" sign in the
1100 block of Lunalilo Home Road.
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