Wood Craft
It was Iolani no ka oi -- the very best -- as Armand Chong and Cathy Lee Mosteller took over Michel's for their wedding and reception last Saturday. Armand is a past Iolani Alumni Iolani stars toss
a great partyprez and athlete, Class of 1979, and an assistant football coach. Cathy is the school's P.R. director. "They throw a great party," said Iolani headmaster Val Iwashita. More than 150 attended the reception, which featured music by Noe Buchanan, Ed Yap and Lena Naipo, and singing and hula by guests, such as Weldon Kekauoha. Cathy danced a touching "Melelana" for Armand, seated with Cathy's 8-year-old twins, Claire and Jackie. The twins danced "Little Brown Gal." Halekulani singer-bassist Bruce Hamada, Iolani '75, and keyboarder Jim Howard performed. Cathy gave her bouquet to TV personality Cynthia Yip, who was with her husband, police Capt. Alvin Nishimura. The officer is awaiting a bone marrow transplant to fight leukemia. Roger Wall was best man and Armand's brother, former UH quarterback Elroy, Iolani '69, was in the wedding party. Matron of honor was Cathy's mom, Millie Yee. Guests received a first day of issue "Year of the Dragon" postal stamp designed by Cathy's dad, Clarence Lee, Iolani '53. Michel's G.M. Philip Shaw and his team put out a fine spread. The waiters were no ka oi, too ...
Fastenau, Wanger are tops
Cheers to Mary Fastenau and Walter Wanger, who won Ad Woman and Ad Man of the Year honors at the Honolulu Advertising Federation's Pele Awards last Saturday night at the Hilton Tapa Ballroom. Mary is president of Starrtech, Starr Seigle Communication's internet agency. She is married to Star-Bulletin Editor and Publisher John Flanagan. Wanger is creative director at Milici Valenti Ng Pack. The Outstanding Young Advertising Persons of the Year are Robyn Moriyama of Hendrix Advertising and Jerry blue of the Schiller Group. KRTR's Paul Ogata was emcee ... Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center kicks off its 20th anniversary celebration from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. today at its Fountain Courtyard Centerstage. The program offers the Makaha Sons, 200 hula dancers, a fireworks display and a flower drop. Tomorrow, on the fourth floor, Moe Keale, Peter Moon and Olomana perform from 3 to 6 .m. ...A bravo is in order for the Honolulu Pops "Bravo Broadway" at the Concert Hall last weekend. Michael Maguire was the headliner but Jan Horvath (my favorite), Doug LaBrecque and Rocky Brown were every bit as good as they sang Broadway favorites. Wayne Newton is with the pops orchestra next Saturday at the Waikiki Shell with Amy Gilliom ... Mariko Lyons and Felix Chavez, tango dancers in Jack Cione's Mardi Gras Follies at Pearl Harbor's Banyans, have to be on their toes because Luis Brazo, creator-director of famed "Forever Tango," was planning to attend their show. "Forever Tango" closes at Hawaii Theatre tomorrow night ...
Bally picks Margaret Cho
Former isle model Margaret Cho has been named director of Bally stores' Southwest Region, according to Waikiki Bally store boss Valerie Sylvester. Margaret had been with Chanel for 10 years, the last two as Asia Pacific chief. She is based in Beverly Hills. Val was Margaret's assistant at Waikiki Chanel for four years, when Margaret was manager there. "It's nice to have her energy and fun back," Val said ... Starting Wednesday, Kincaid's G.M. Michelle Glarner says guests giving $5 to Maili Elementary will get a $10 restaurant certificate. The school needs air-conditioning units desperately ...
Ben Wood, who sold the Star-Bulletin in the streets
of downtown Honolulu during World War II, writes of
people, places and things every Saturday.
E-mail him at bwood@starbulletin.com