Isle Pages
Local Best SellersThis listing of new books about Hawaii or by Hawaii writers is published on the last Friday of each month.
"The Art of Lassen, The Secret Path": By Christian Riese Lassen (La Vie De Mar); 216 pages; hardcover; $39.95
Lassen's art book provides a journey from realistic and romantic seascapes to abstract impressionism ... from modernism to figurative ... and from whimsical pop art to majestic wildlife paintings.
"Allan Saunders: The Man and His Legacy": Edited by Mary Anne Raywid and Esther Kwon Arinaga (University of Hawai'i Press); 204 pages; paperback; $19.
Allan Frederic Saunders came to Hawaii in August 1945, on a one-year appointment to the UH Government Department. He stayed to become the driving force behind the local chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union and League of Women Voters, as well as the establishment of a state Ethics Commission.
Recollections of former students colleagues are connected to form a picture of a man who served as the conscience of the community.
"21st Century Hawaii: 210 Great Ways to Get There": Compiled by The Pacific Century Fellows, edited by Mufi Hannemann (Watermark Publishing); 288 pages; paperback; $12.95.
Pacific Century, a nonprofit organization, annually offers a fellows program designed to identify, encourage and help develop future Hawaii leaders. Here, the organization has invited community leaders to offer their "bright ideas" for Hawaii of the 21st century.
Instead of wading through long, ponderous essays, the 210 pieces are served up in mostly single-page takes.
For instance, attorney Steven Ho and CPA Tami Ho suggest stepping out of one's comfort zone to volunteer for community services. HDEP International President Virenda Nath suggests creating a new Hawaiian mythology to build the state's self-image and foster pride. Vernon Wong of American Express Financial Advisors recommends character education that starts in the home and extends to schools.
The ideas can be as grand as CEO Guy Kawasaki's recommendation that the state start a venture capital fund of $50 million to seed high-tech successes, to as individual as emergency physician Libby Char's reminder that "wherever you go, there you are," and that individuals set the tenor of a strong community.
Other contributors include UH football coach June Jones, First Lady Vicky Cayetano, chefs Alan Wong and Roy Yamaguchi, sumotori Konishiki, comedian Frank DeLima, playwright Lee Cataluna and actress Kelly Preston.
All provide something to think about.
"Mr. Mick Visits Our School": By Mickey Campaniello (Someone Special Foundation); 50 pages; hardcover; $12.95, plus $5 shipping and handling, available by writing the Someone Special Foundation, Century Center, PMB 3774, 1750 Kalakaua Ave. Suite 103, Honolulu, HI 96826-3795.
Since 1992, Mickey Campaniello, has visited local elementary schools to entertain students ages 4 to 6, while teaching them about health and safety.
His lessons are available here as a reminder for little ones to brush and floss their teeth, get a good breakfast everyday, wear sunscreen, and buckle up when riding in cars.
Charming and colorful illustrations by Dennis Fujitake also help to get the message across.
Local Best Sellers
1. "Hawaiian Flowers Cut-out Paper Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage
2. "Hawaiian Marine Life Color & Activity Book," Yuko Green, Island Heritage
3. "Golden Children of Hawaii Cut-Out Dolls," Yuko Green, Island Heritage
4. "Baby Honu Saves The Day," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage
5. "Limu -- The Blue Turtle," Kimo Armitage, Island Heritage
6. "Baby Honu's Incredible Journey," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage
7. "Fishes of Hawaii," Susan & Thomas Kelly, Bess Press
8. "Keiki Counting," Tammy Yee, Island Heritage
9. "ABC's of Hawaii," Asta & Donovan, Island Heritage
10. "Hawaiian Values Retail Package," Susan Entz and Sheri Galarza, Bess Press
1. "Maui on My Mind," Rita Ariyoshi, Mutual Publishing
2. "From the Skies-Maui," Tom Stevens, Mutual Publishing
3. "Travelogue Maui," Steven Goldsberry, Mutual Publishing
4. "Kauai Movie Book," Chris Cook, Mutual Publishing
5. "Hawaii Big Island Revealed, 2nd Edition," Andrew Doughty and Harriet Freidman, Wizard Publications
6. "Tastes & Tales of Moiliili," Muriel Miura-Kaminaka, Moiliili Community Center
7. "Hawaii the Big Island," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
8. "Hawaii," Douglas Peebles, Mutual Publishing
9. "Hawaii A Floral Paradise," Leland Miyano, Mutual Publishing
10. "Kauai Many Splendored Isle," Ron Ronck and Douglas Peebles, Mutual Publishing
1. "Hawaiian Journey," Joseph Mullins, Mutual Publishing
2. "Glen Grant's Chicken Skin Tales," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
3. "Obake Files," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
4. "Driving & Discovering Oahu," Richard Sullivan, Island Heritage
5. "Hawaiian Quilting Made Easy," Milly Singletary, Mutual Publishing
6. "New Pocket Hawaiian Dictionary," Mary Kawena Pukui et al., University of Hawaii Press
7. "Oahu's Hidden History," William Dorrance, Mutual Publishing
8. "Six Months in the Sandwich Islands," Isabella Bird, Mutual Publishing
9. "Hawaiian Dictionary: Hawaiian-English and English-Hawaiian," Mary Kawena Pukui & Samuel H. Elbert, UH Press
10. "Waikiki Yesteryear," Glen Grant, Mutual Publishing
1. "Mark Twain In Hawaii," Mark Twain, Mutual Publishing
2. "Legends & Myths of Hawaii," David Kalakaua, Mutual Publishing
3. "Hawaiian Folktales," Thomas G. Thrum, Mutual Publishing
4. "South Seas Tales," Jack London, Mutual Publishing
5. "Pearl Harbor: The Way It Was," Scott Stone, Island Heritage
6. "Hawaii's Story," Lydia Liliuokalani, Mutual Publishing
7. "Stories of Hawaii," Jack London, Mutual Publishing
8. "Hawaiian Historical Legends," W. D. Westervelt, Mutual Publishing
9. "Pacific Island Legends: Tales from Micronesia Melanesia Polynesia and Australia," Bo Flood and Beret E. Strong and William Flood, The Bess Press
10. "Teller of Hawaiian Tales," Eric Knudsen, Mutual Publishing
1. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Birds," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual Publishing
2. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Flowers," Leland Miyano, Mutual Publishing
3. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Trees and Shrubs," H. Douglas Pratt, Mutual Publishing
4. "Pocket Guide to Hawaii's Underwater Paradise," John Hoover, Mutual Publishing
5. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. II," Poakalani and John Serrao, Mutual Publishing
6. "Hawaii's Fishes," John Hoover, Mutual Publishing
7. "Poakalani Hawaiian Quilt Cushion Patterns Vol. I," Poakalani and John Serrao, Mutual Publishing
8. "Hawaiian Lei Making: Step-by-Step Guide," Laurie Shimizu Ide, Mutual
9. "Things Hawaiian -- Guide To Language," Albert Schutz, Island Heritage
10. "Hawaii's Birds," Hawaii Audubon Society, Island Heritage
These are best-selling books in Hawaii in February 2000. Figures are courtesy of Hawaii Book Publishers Association and Bookline, and reflect sales by Hawaii-based publishers.
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