Hawaii scene
a winnerThe Film Office of the Hawaiian Islands won first prize for "Best Booth-Best Theme" at the recent Locations Global Expo 2000 in Los Angeles. The $30,000 booth depicted a tropical jungle environment using an 8-foot by 20-foot backlit transparency of the Jackass Ginger location in Nuuanu. There were also jungle sounds and an array of tropical flowers in the booth.
The Expo, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center in February, is the only trade show where the Hollywood production community can see in one place potential film locations and meet with film commissioners from all over the world.
The Hawaii booth will be used for several years. It's designed so the photo can be changed to another scene, said Georgette Deemer, Hawaii Film Office manager. Hawaii has been participating in the Expo since it started 15 years ago.
This year's event was attended by Deemer and the four counties' film commissioners: Walea Constantinau, Oahu; Judy Drosd, Kauai; Marilyn Killeri, Big Island; and Amy Kastens, Maui.
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