Beach-goers are warned to beware of an influx of box jellyfish today through Friday at some of Oahu's most popular beaches. Warning: Box jellyfish invasion
The city's Ocean Safety Division said the number of jellyfish is expected to peak tomorrow and Wednesday, especially at Ala Moana Park's swim channel, Waikiki Beach, Hanauma Bay, Pokai Bay and Makaha surfing beach.
Lifeguards will post warning signs if the jellyfish are found in any area.
If anyone is stung by a jellyfish, the division advises using copious amounts of vinegar to wash the sting.
Interfaith group urges long-term-care study
More than 400 representatives of Faith Action for Community Equity, an interfaith community organization, will gather at the State Capitol tomorrow to focus the Legislature's attention on a crisis in long-term care.Religious leaders will join FACE members from 1 to 2:30 p.m. to urge legislators to complete a study to find a solution to the long-care problem.
Act 93 last year designated $100,000 for an actuarial study of long-term care financing options, but the Legislature allowed it to lapse.
"I am very disappointed, angry and frustrated," said Dr. Clementina Ceria, assistant professor at the University of Hawaii School of Nursing. She chairs the FACE Senior Care and Services Committee, which worked two years on the project.
"What's scaring the legislators is that they feel we want immediate action for a study of long-term care that will result in a tax," said committee member Robert Henninger.
Needs are growing in Hawaii for long-term care for aging persons, family caregivers and working parents with disabled children, FACE leaders said.
FACE has 42,000 members representing 24 churches, temples and a public housing unit.
Maui HIV Conference scheduled for April 6
The Maui AIDS Foundation will host the fourth annual Maui HIV Conference 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 6 at the Maui Memorial Medical Center.The conference is part of the foundation's efforts to develop expertise of Maui health care providers in HIV/AIDS and to educate people about the epidemic.
The free meetings will feature Dr. Jon Kaiser of San Francisco, author of "Healing HIV: How to Rebuild Your Immune System and Immune Power;" Dr. Drew Kovach, Kaiser physician in Honolulu; and Dr. Lark Lands of Colorado, nutrition specialist and author of "Building Blocks for Living Well with HIV."
Leading media attend E-W Center meeting
Six journalists from leading U.S. media organizations are in Honolulu this week to participate in the East-West Center's Asia-Pacific Journalism Fellowships.The 12-day program includes a stop in Hawaii for discussions on Asia, with a focus on Singapore and Taiwan.
The journalists then travel to those two countries.
The journalists are Jeffrey Brown, senior producer, "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer"; Evelyn Iritani, Pacific Rim business reporter at the Los Angeles Times; Nancy Laughlin, nation/world editor at the Detroit Free Press; Larry Marshak, Page 1A editor, USA TODAY International; John Omicinski, Pentagon correspondent, Gannett News Service; and Jim Wolf, defense technology correspondent, Reuters.
Taking Notice
Officers named
The following local organizations have appointed new officers:
Honolulu Quarterback Club:
Mark E. Zeug, president/head coach; Al Minn, vice president/assistant head coach; Lydia Lake, secretary/water girl; Daniel Spencer, treasurer/water boy; Earl Galdeira, past president/ head coach; and Paul Durham, Neal Everett, Ken Kau, Les Keiter, Elizabeth Rathburn and Bob K.C. Young, board members.
American Society of Travel Agents, Hawaii chapter:
Mary Lou Lewis, president; Paul Oneha, vice president/newsletter chair; Diane Nakamura, secretary; Wendy Goodenow, treasurer; Shirley Tsukano and Glenn Sasano, allied co-chairs; Bonnie Gutner, ASTAPAC; Grayce McCullough and Randy King, education/programs co-chairs; James Cox, industry affairs; Mary Jane Smith and Wendi Vasconcellas, membership co-chairs; Sharon Lester, public relations; Gloria Keller, special events; and Rachel Shimamoto, past president.
Catholic Charities:
Sandra Ohara, chair; Jim Walsh, chair-elect; Douglas Smith, vice chair; Cathy Sekiguchi, secretary; Bob Tong, treasurer; and David Bello, the Rev. Joseph Bukoski III, Jeffrey Case, Dr. Leslie Correa, Lisa Dohrn, I. Patrick Griggs, Alan Ito, Lynne Kaneshiro, Linda C. "Fritz" McKenzie, Dr. Gene Ward, Richard Stack Jr., Daniel Lee, Dr. Gilbert Wergowske, Stephanie Pahia, Jeff Woode, Sister Patricia Chang, Antoinette Leahey and Jane Jackson, board members.
A photo of Taiwan Vice President Lien Chan was erroneously identified as President-elect Chen Shui-bian in Edward Neilan's column that ran Friday.
Police, Fire, Courts
By Star-Bulletin staffHonolulu Police Department Crimestoppers
Man allegedly throws spear at neighbor's door
Police arrested a 34-year-old Kailua man yesterday for allegedly throwing a spear at the front door of his neighbor's Kihapai Place residence.No injuries were reported.
The 9:30 p.m. incident involved a noise dispute between the man and his female neighbor, whose child was having a tantrum, police said.
The man was booked for first-degree terroristic threatening.
Fire crews rescue hiker rappelling off Pali cliff
Firefighters rescued a 22-year-old man rappelling without proper equipment Saturday afternoon off cliffs at the Pali Lookout.Fire crews hiked to the man, who got tangled in his rope trying to rappel down from a cliff near the parking lot. The fire crews extracted the man and lowered him by hand to the base of the cliff.
The hiker suffered minor cuts and abrasions to his arms and legs. The Honolulu Fire Department took information from the hiker and released him at the scene.
A firefighter hurt during the rescue went to an area hospital to have injuries to his arm, forearm and leg treated.
Mililani accident victim dies in hospital
A woman motorist, injured on March 6 when her car veered off the roadway and struck a tree on Lanikuhana Avenue near Meheula Parkway in Mililani, died yesterday at Queen's Hospital.The woman, 53, was pronounced dead at 10:36 p.m.
Two arrested in Big Isle knife attack on 3 men
HILO -- Police are investigating a fight Saturday night in which two men with knives attacked three other men at Onekaka Beach Park, they said.The two men, 42 and 49, were arrested but released pending investigation.
The three victims were treated for wounds at Hilo Hospital and released.
The cause of the fight was not given.
Apartment fire may have been deliberately set
Fire investigators suspect an early morning fire at a Mayor Wright apartment on Saturday was intentionally set by one of its residents.An adult male, his adult son and his teen-age daughter were home at the time of the fire, which originated in an upstairs bedroom. No one was hurt.
The fire caused an estimated $7,000 in damage.